Leader In Healthcare

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Leader in Healthcare

Leader in Healthcare


Strong leadership is essential because the complex healthcare management system requires a good leader who can connect the world of healthcare management to the medical practice, while realizing people's needs and developing the broad health service programs required by them. Leadership is the usage of strong influence to shape healthcare organization's goals, and to motivate behavior towards achieving these goals, and to make organizational culture. The effective leadership is the one who supports in accomplishing the main tasks in healthcare management. To get such success, several factors come into play. The common factors contributing in success of health care leadership are:


Good communication

Shared vision

Situational approach

Good time management

Strong leaders utilize participative management in their health care organization to involve others and to influence decisions. Leaders who value this type of management encourage others to share information and communicate well to keep others informed in their health care organization, and pay attention to various perspectives (Hopkins, Townend, Khayat, & Balagopal, 2009). Strong leaders have knowledge of their weaknesses and strengths and how these factors affect others. This high level of self-awareness requires feedback, learning and values reflection. A self-aware leader will admit mistakes and tries to learn from them to move to the correct situation. When a leaders' orientation is narrow, they are bounded for their responsibilities and movements across various functions. Leaders with a broad perspective have multiple department work experiences with different groups, expertise, and different points of view. These leaders have technical or tactical skills and appreciate in solving strategic level issues (Friedman, & Sebenius, 2009).


United Health care is a division of UnitedHealth Group, which provides products and services to 70 million people in America. Its network has 691,095 health care professionals, and 5,554 hospitals. They provide pharmaceutical programs and provide access to ...
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