Learning And Training

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Learning Methodologies and Training Technologies

Learning Methodologies and Training Technologies


The use of mixed approaches supports the learning of participants over an extended period, thus enhancing their sustainability and impact. The use of training methods interesting, unconventional and experimental, with few presentations, ensures the effectiveness of the learning process. The needs of the participants are systematically evaluated, as were their respective learning and application in the organizational context (Thomas & Bostrom, 2010). We created tools to assess learning, its implementation and its effects, as well as to integrate the results of this evaluation in the design of future training activities. To ensure that the quality standards laid down in the Turin Learning Approach are applied uniformly throughout the center and become characteristics by which the organization is recognized, we implemented an internal program update on systematic conception of learning activities, learning technology and methods of knowledge sharing.

The learning strategy should be based on the harmonization of conception, implementation and administration of training, both in classroom courses and distance, including graphic design, creating a set of learning tools that brings together best practices on conception, facilitation and learning technologies; maintaining and updating a blog about learning and technology in the evaluation of new curricula or outdated curricula peer; communication of systematic reactions to training managers, based on the assessment of the participants and in increased support in the area of ??needs assessment and other assessment levels (Darken, 2009).

Discussion & Analyses

The changes that are happening in society, mediated by networked technologies, are of such magnitude involving medium-term - to reinvent development as a whole, at all levels and in all forms. Organizations are not connected incomplete Organizations (even when advanced didactically). Employees without continuous access to digital networks are excluded from an important part of learning now is access to various information and available online, the quick search in databases, digital libraries, training portals, participation in communities of interest in debates and online publications, in order, the varied range of digital services (Fantz, Miranda & Siller, 2011). The more distant Organizations are in large cities, often the most dramatic digital divide. Today it is not enough to have a lab at school (if any) for timely access to the network for some classes. Today all employees, trainers and school community, need continuous access to all these services in order to be within the digital information society and knowledge. Another important challenge is to attract competent professionals for development. Professionals (trainers, managers) well prepared, paid and updated are fundamental to an innovative development (Ming-Kuan, Pei-Hsun Emma & Nie-Jia, 2013). Many employees who would like to quit training before the low wages and the current working conditions. The best employees should be encouraged to be trainers. It's not what happens now.

The open and distance development appears increasingly in the context of contemporary societies, as a mode of development extremely appropriate and desirable to meet new training demands arising from changes in the new world economic order (Nuyens, ...
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