Learning Theories

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Learning Theories

Implications Of Different Theories On Education

Implications Of Different Theories On Education


In these questions, we are supposed to discuss the impact of different learning theories on educational methods. These theories are to be discussed with accordance to the positive effect on education which refers to motivation and stimulus. Theories are basically a simple and generalized explanation of different observations completed by the experts. A theory is accepted widely depending on its authenticity. It can only be disapproved if it carries any kind of doubts (Dorin, et.al., 1990, pp.40).

The different learning theories which will be conferred further in the assignment are as follows:

Behaviourism theory

Cognitive theory

Constructivism theory

Socialism theory

Different theories often change the beliefs and attitudes of the learners along with the imminent researches that would take place in the near future (Mann, 2011, pp.60-68). Theories usually help teachers and educators to expand their views regarding a previous research which would ultimately help the learners. All the theories together primarily focuses on the facts of which one should be aware of in order to become learned and erudite.

People learn from many different theories, a variety of learning theories enable learners to learn and select according to their requirements of the study. The teachers can decide from such variety that which theory would be useful for their students to learn from (Dorin, et.al., 1990, pp.40).


Task 1

What are the implications of behavioural learning theories on your educational practice?


Behavioural learning is primarily based on the behaviour which eventually becomes a habit at a certain point. The behaviour is followed by two kinds of reinforcements which include:

Reinforcement: It is often used to create a usual situation which helps in increasing the possibility of the fact that a particular action will occur in the future. For example if an individual would be aware of the reactions of the other person against a specific action so it will be easy to stay prepared for the reciprocities. To maintain certain actions various ways of stimulus are maintained against the actions taking place. It is followed by a positive and a negative reinforcement. (Prince, 2013, p.n.d.)

Positive reinforcement: It refers to the behaviour which automatically is repeated in order to gain benefit and rewards against their good behaviour. For example, a student is told if he will do well in the exams he/she would get good grades along with medals and rewards. A scholarship can also be a positive reinforcement as it motivates students to study harder in order to achieve that scholarship. This kind of reinforcement helps individuals to get motivated towards good actions. Good grades and rewards ultimately reinforce the students to study carefully with all the attention. Positive reinforcement allows students to stay involved in good activities as they are sure to get rewards against it. A teacher giving good grades to the student is a “positive stimulus” whereas studying hard is “behaviour” of the student (Dorin, et.al., 1990, pp.40).

Negative reinforcement: This reinforcement takes place when the consequences of certain actions start resulting in ...
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