Learning Theory

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Customized Learning Theory

Customized Learning Theory


Human beings possess a remarkable capacity to acquire learning. The ability of human beings to acquire knowledge is limitless. Human beings can learn languages, calculations, music, electronics, and several others things (Ellis, 2010). There is no denying the fact that human learning is influenced by diverse factors. It is important for educational institutions and policy makers to consider all these factors when developing the curriculum.

There is no single definition of learning. The definition of learning is different in different contexts. According to psychological perspectives, learning involves a change in behaviors or potential behaviors of learners. According to this perspective, learning occurs when it results in changes in behavior. According to Julia Atkin (2000), learning is effective when the process of learning allows learners to grasp the accurate meaning. Learning is effective when it allows learners to develop an understanding. Effective learning is one that enables learners to transform knowledge and share skills. In order for learning to be effective, the learning environment should be interactive and challenging. Learning is also effective when it facilitates accuracy and efficiency.

Direct mentoring and direct instruction also make the environment efficient. Educational institutions should focus on the approach of direct instructions. There are diverse benefits of direct instructions method. It is imperative for instructors to comprehend that direct mentoring can encourage learning. It also improves the learning process (Cruddas and Cruddas, 2005).

The theories of learning play a significant role in comprehending the learning process. Contemporary learning theories can be classified into two forms of learning. These forms of learning include supervised and unsupervised learning. The supervised learning models learners to produce a response. This response is compared with the one that should have been produced. Teacher provides information of these responses to the learner. In supervised learning systems, the aim is to decrease the error between actual and accurate responses (Wasserman and Young, 2004).

Learning Theory and Its Importance

The current era is witnessing the emergence of a knowledge society. The post-industrial or knowledge society has revolutionized the learning and teaching process. The emergence of the knowledge society has changed the way learning is conceived. It has altered learning in terms of policy and practice (Stehr and Böhme, 1986).

With the passage of time, both the society and education process have become complex. The cotemporary theories of learning must focus on the development of autonomous thinkers and enduring learners. This learning approach can produce productive citizens and efficient future leaders.

According to the Labor Organization, education should focus on the career paths of learners. It should prepare learners for the probability of career changes. The focus of learning must be to help learners deal with the complexities of the rapidly changing world. According to these observations, it can be comprehended that the contemporary learning theory must focus on how, where and why people learn.

Everyone possesses a theory of what makes the best learning environment and how people grow and develop. Most of the educational theories are not ...
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