Letter To The Senator - Congressperson Sylvia R. Garcia

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Letter to the Senator

Dear Congressman,

Congressperson Sylvia R. Garcia is a local of the South Texas cultivating group, Palito Blanco. The eighth of ten kids, Sylvia studied at an early age the quality of instruction and diligent work. Acting like an adult, she saw her guardians battle to raise those ten youngsters. What's more due to their battles, her folks needed to verify every one their youngsters had an exceptional training so as to better their lives.

Accordingly, Sylvia buckled down and went to Texas Woman's University on a grant, graduating with a degree in social work. Aside from procuring her instruction, Sylvia knew it was likewise her authority to offer again to her group. As a social specialist at a young hour in her expert vocation, Sylvia ensured our neighborhood's generally susceptible. If it was our youngsters or our elderly, she verified nobody was overlooked.

Right away a while later, Sylvia entered her open administration vocation with the City of Houston. There, she made our city court framework adequate and effective for our group.

The point when Sylvia was chosen to City Controller, she earned a notoriety as the citizens' watchdog that battled to ensure the wallets of working families. Reviewing the battles of her own guardians, she knew each dollar numbers when raising a crew. That is the reason she determined city government was transparent and responsible.

The principal Hispanic and first lady to be chosen in her own particular right to the workplace, she proceeded her support for working families and made certain Harris County dealt with its most powerless, all while making certain Harris County headed the path for new employments and budgetary advancement.

Sylvia Garcia has committed her existence to her neighborhood and to open administration. Much the same as her folks trusted in her prospective, she has faith sometime later of Texas families that hinge on upon quality instruction for our youngsters.

The Human Rights Commission of the Senate is about to vote on the No. 122, on which the lords will subsequently vote in plenary.

Through this message I want to leave my opinion. I believe that every citizen should be protected by force of law and our Constitution and that no citizen shall be discriminated against or abroad. This is what maintains the rule of law and makes that we have, in effect, a free country, in all the necessary freedoms, including freedom ...