Marijuana Legislation And The Federal Law

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Marijuana Legislation and the Federal Law


The research aims at investigating the Marijuana legislation and the federal law justifications of the legalization of marijuana in the United States. The drug is illegally consumed and supply in few states however the illegal acceptability is on the state level. The federal government has intervenient in the decisions of the state level government as to reduce the addiction of marijuana among the citizens of the state. The patient was in favor of the legalization of marijuana. The legislation and the federal law had disapproved the citizen request in the legal supply of the marijuana as the federal law has not favored the consumption of marijuana because of the death of the citizens in the United States. The effects of marijuana were harmful and the impact upon the citizen was addictive however the federal governed is in the opposition for legalizing the drug in the United States that had a great impact upon the addition o marijuana among the citizens of the States.


Overview of Marijuana3

Legalization Issue of Marijuana3

Legislation of Marijuana and the Federal Law4

Legislation of Marijuana - A Controversial Issue5

The Role of Federal Government in the Legislation of Marijuana6

The Role of Supreme Court in the Legislation of Marijuana7

The Stand of Federal Government towards the Legislation of Marijuana8

State Laws Related to Marijuana3


Marijuana Legislation and the Federal Law


The Marijuana Legislation and the Federal Law was against the consumption of the drug among the citizens of the state as marijuana is the prescribed drug for the medical purpose however the legalization of marijuana had a major impact among the patients. The Marijuana Legislation and the Federal Law, the most controversial issue as the state laws varies for the marijuana consumption in the state and federal laws were against the consumption of marijuana. The role of Supreme Court and the state and federal laws in the consumption of marijuana were identified as the discussion proceeds.

Overview of Marijuana

The marijuana is the recreations drug in America and the number of citizens is addicted to the drug in the United States. It was surveyed that 100 million Americans consume the marijuana drug in America (About Marijuana, 2013). The United States government has supported the legalization of the drug in the United States as there are federal anti Marijuana laws in the states that would make the drug legalize as the illegal adoption of the drug has ruined the states. The regulation of Marijuana should be legalized as the government regulates the alcohol. The Marijuana should be legalized in the United States as for the safety of the health of the citizens of the states however the federal laws and legislations should be favor of the legalization of Marijuana in the Untied States.

The Legislation and the federal laws were in favor of legalization of the drug as it is useful for the using of this drug is increased in the United States for the medicine purpose as the Marijuana is already used for the medicine purpose in the United States ...
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