Mathematics Teaching And Learning

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Report on Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning

Report on Effective Mathematics Teaching and Learning


Mathematics is playing a vital role in individual life with different spheres of private, civil and social life. In past, number of students struggle with the mathematics and disaffected continually confront obstacles. Study indicates that students make mistake due to different reasons (Lester, 2007). They might not take sufficient care or time, or it become due to results of consistent alternate mathematical ideas interpretations. In order to remove these errors teacher is requiring organizing discussion with an entire class and making attention on their difficulties. In this paper, we discuss the important and key mathematics teaching tools that improve children understanding about this subject. Past study seeks evidence about different pedagogical practices contributing towards desirable outcomes (Ainley, 2006). This paper will be helpful for teacher's classroom practices to teach mathematics and seeking towards positive outcomes.


Effective pedagogy is the major aspect of this paper in which we developed mathematical disposition and capability with an effective learning community. According to (Korthagen & Kessels, 1999) Pedagogy should not take isolation, but it interprets as part of complex web of factors that affect the learning of students. Below diagram is describing the principles of effective pedagogy of mathematics.

These principles developed on the based on recognition that the classroom teaching is considered as the complex activity. Thus, it is required the classroom learning community get take huge participation to learn this subject.

Classroom Community

An Ethic of Care

Past studies suggest that effective and efficient teacher facilitates learning by caring their students and interlinked with them (Carpenter, 1996). They developed interrelationships that create spaces for students to develop their cultural and mathematical identities. They have realistic expectations about enhance the study capacity of thinking, communication and get them chance to ask why the class is doing the certain things and create what effect.

When teacher is able to create such environment where every students valuing and respecting each other, students learning capacities will increase. Teacher also engaged to promote a positive relationship in the classroom that offers students to ask questions without any hesitation.

Teacher is considered as the most important resource for developing the mathematical identities among students. They can influence students in such way as they think themselves in the as a student in the classroom. Teacher positive attitude raise the comfort for students that enlarge their knowledge and provide them great confidence in capacity of learning mathematics. Students are considered to be more willing for new ideas that present by their teachers and assess the validity of different approaches to the presence in the face of mathematical challenge.

Learning Arrangement

This is an important role for the teacher to offers students with the arrangement that responsive to their needs. Effective teacher is also arranging partners or group that useful not just for testing and exchanging ideas but generate higher thinking level. Environment of student's small groups helps weak students to get know how engaged in the mathematical validation and argumentations (Ding ...
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