Media's Role In Politics

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Media's Role in Politics

Media's Role in Politics


Media is playing a vital role in rising all political parties and public at one place for effective decisions on country progress. Media also play an important role in stimulating debate on important aspects, highlighting facts and reporting news and give details about diverse topics. Media is considered to be important for democracy. The principle political role of the media, according to conventional moderate theory, is to act as a check on the state (Waugh, 2010). In this new media age, when extendable knowledge and information requiring, with media diverse sources such as newspapers and television, are surrounded with new media technologies. Canada is working in that more and more in receiving their news and sources of information via internet or on-demand. Audience required information with easy access and relatively at low cost and time (Skinner, 2005).


People of Canada know that many of their political leaders, public policies and party politics come from media specifically from TV, newspaper and radio. These three modes are the main link of information transfer between the people of Canada and the political parties and political leaders. Major function of media for politics is to explain the goals of the government and their leaders, serving to assemble and strengthen public support essential for efficient political action. Another motive of media is to debate and expose the corruption, talk on controversial issues and hold politicians responsible to public opinion. Reporting on politics media also helps in selecting the issues which are to receive public attention and help in shaping the public agenda.

The responsibility of the media in Canada's self-governing shell was made stronger significantly during 1982 at the CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS that gave legitimate assurance for liberty of expression, as well as sovereignty of the press and rest of the mode of communication in media industry. This gave formal gratitude to a belief of press liberty that emerged for 150 years, in spite of infrequent delays. The legitimate assurance is not articulated or made functional in complete terms; those are state of affairs when the belief of liberated press is likely to give way to what the courts distinguish as more important, or just as significant, interests of the social order such as the interests of reasonable trial and sovereignty of assembly. The judges have done more and more able to be seen role as sentinel of the free press assurance and the very sense of independence of the press in the Canadian situation is in the course of being simplify.

The free surge of a significant description of political actions and issues are essential for the public's understanding of politics. The independence of media from the interference of politics; the strength of media and the way it performs its political job; the way autonomy of the media is prepared to accept with the force of the commercial network that give funding to media organizations; and the openness of the government in giving information, all influence the ...
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