Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit And Legislation

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Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and Legislation


This research paper focus on describing the Medicare prescription drug benefit, which come under the U.S government legislation Medicare Modernization Act. This will be described in accordance with its impact in addressing diabetes treatment to Medicare population in U.S. The analysis show that MMA act through the Medicare Part D plan is highly effective for addressing the diabetes for Medicare population in U.S. Low income people are found to more vulnerable to diabetes who are striving for particular healthcare coverage and insurance and also to be eligible for Medicare Part D program.

Table of Contents


Thesis Statement4



Legislation/ policy that will be analyzed in this paper5

Cost Sharing6


The problem/issue that this legislation attempts to address9

The history of the legislation been effective in addressing the problem10

Has or will legislation been effective in addressing the problem?12

Groups of people most affected by the problem14

Information on the future of this Legislation14



Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit and Legislation

Thesis Statement

Medicare prescription drug benefit (Medicare Part D) is effective in addressing the healthcare issues related to diabetes.


Medicare refers to the healthcare coverage or insurance to people with the age of 65 and above in United States of America. The Medicare is federally administered system which provides healthcare benefits to the elderly as well as disabled person. The concept of Medicare was first introduced in year 1965 by US government as an initiative to provide medical expenses to elderly and retired persons who are no more able to afford their complex medical operations and day-to-day medical expenses (Wong, 2001). Though, it can largely be linked with the health insurance plan that already existing in US in year 1965, however that insurance plan does not contain the element of prescription drug benefits. With increasing need of healthcare in modern world, the prescription drugs play an important role in medical science recently and many healthcare insurance companies and governmental plans and legislations include the element of prescription drug coverage for elderly and others needy persons. One of the recent developments medical science witnessed is introduction of Healthcare Legislation in year 2003 is Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act, which is highly regarded as largest expansion of Medicare benefits in history of US. The Act was enacted in year 2006 through the Medicare developmental program called Medicare Part D which addresses healthcare coverage of elderly (Chernew, 2008).

This research paper examines the depth of Act, its impact on addressing healthcare problem such as diabetes among elders, history of its effectiveness in addressing the diabetes, its current state in addressing the diabetes healthcare problems, which people are mostly affected by diabetes and how effective Act is in addressing diabetes till date and finally discusses the future information of prescription drugs benefit act such as its obsolete terms, revision of terms and status of bill.


Legislation/ policy that will be analyzed in this paper

Medicare prescription drug benefit also known as the Medicare prescription drug, improvement and modernization act (MMA) was first introduced in year 2003 which provides the medical health coverage to ...
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