Technologies used by Metropolitan Police Service

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Metropolitan Police Service

Metropolitan Police Service

Technologies used by Metropolitan Police Service

The Metropolitan Police is one of the largest organization of UK with more than 45000 employs working in it. Different employs are assigned different job roles and the nature of job of employs keeps on switching as new employs are hired. The employs should have access on the databases and the internal systems present in the crime reporting system in order to perform their job efficiently but the information stored there is extremely sensitive and essential that is why it cant be shared with all the staff working there and as the work force within the organization keeps on changing therefore access provided to the personal also keeps on changing and keeping the record of this had became a major concern of the administration. In order to solve the issue the organization had adapted different technologies in their system and In my answer I will be discussing two of them in detail that are DIRX and RBAC

LDAP/X.500 Directory server DirX

DirX is a advance technology offered by Siemens which is capable of creating a distinctive and effectively managed identity of each employ working in the organization by synchronizing their identities for different systems.

With the help of DirX the metropolitan service first synchronizes the data of the employ in different data bases and as soon as the single identity of the employ is created the DirX solution permits the administration to generate a globally unique identity for the newly hired employs and removes the permissions to access the databases of the employs who have left the organization. It also makes changes to access levels when an employ switches its posts within the organization. The accounts provisioning and de-provisioning can also be managed by using DirX easily as the updates are automatically and instantaneously reflected throughout all the diversified target systems.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC is another technology that can be implemented in the security systems of computer that limits the system access to authorized employs only.RBAC.It is defined as an aceess control based on user roles and the assigned roles can be applied to a single employ or to several employs.The role permissions are basically the permissions required to execute defined functions inside an organization and they can be inherited from the role hierarchy(Butler,2011,p.3).

With the help of RBAC a role association is established as soon as new operation is introduced and if the organizational functional changes the old operations associated with them are deleted resulting in the simplification of administration and management of privileges and updating the roles without updating the privileges for each employ on individual basis. The RBAC framework makes the administrator of the MPS capable of regulating the actions performed by a employ, when they are performed ,from where they are performed ,In what order the actions are performed and in certain cases under what relational circumstances they are performed therefore only the actions that are required to be performed by the employ are granted to the ...