Middle Eastern Culture

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Middle Eastern Culture

Middle Eastern Culture


The Palestinian culture is similar to the culture in the Levantine countries which entail mainly the Arab world which in turn constitutes countries like Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Palestine has said to make a c lot of contributions culturally that is in the form of food, costume, music, literature and arts which tend to represent Palestine solely despite the closeness of Diaspora and Israel geographically (www.britannica.com).

History of Palestine

At the end World War 1 the Ottoman Empire dissolved. The successor which was Turkey handed over Palestine to the British Empire based on the agreement of Lausanne. In the year of 1917 The British issue a declaration known as the Balfour Declaration which was said to be premised on establishing Palestine as a home for Jews. In the year of 1922, the British divided Palestine whereby they transferred eighty percent of it to Transjordan. It is since then that Jordan is said to have covered more than half of Palestine under the mandate of the British. Jordan is said to entail more Arabs which can be termed as the Arab portion of the country. The people of Palestine are termed as Palestinians. It is after the re-inhabitation of the Jews that their homeland was struck with the myth of the Palestinian Arab nation and it was marketed at a worldwide level. Palestinian does not have an official language considering that Palestine has been under the control of many countries. There is no land that is governed by Palestinian's solely (www.science.co.il).

When it comes to the folklore of Palestine it is said to be highly expressive via the traditions, customs, beliefs, Jokes, proverbs, oral history, legends, dance, music and tales. There has been revival at folklorist level such as Salem Mubayyid, Musa Allush and Nimr Sirhan along with the ...
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