Module 1 - Slp

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Module 1 - SLP


Free Writing

I have read somewhere that when start writing for the first time; write anything what it comes to your mind. The instructions for this module direct me to remain undisturbed for one hour. I sat behind my laptop and started brainstorming what to write. And after five minutes, I broke the first instruction for remaining undisturbed (please pardon me) as I saw three notifications pending in my face book profile and then the idea clicked on my mind- the face book generation. Should I say my generation? I don't think as my grandma is also craziest for it. However, our generation is much more prone to technology as compared to our descendents.

We are the ones who communicate via technology through Facebook, iPad, cell phones. Our voices are communicated all around the world through blogs, our status, messages and emails. But I believe that it increases our responsibility as our words are heard within seconds around the globe and they have their impact (remember the Arab spring). However, I wonder that how many people understand their responsibility before updating their Facebook statuses or sending texts that the modern mode of communications are well heard and well impacted.

Revised writing

Advancement has been made in the field of technology in the recent years, which has made communication more effective yet farther spread in no time. Our generation is blessed that we have got privileged with technological advancements to get our voices heard around the world through various means. Facebook, emailing, texting messages through cell phones have opened many arenas for us. The example of Egypt revolution could be appropriate as Facebook along with youth of the country played a vital role in that revolution. However, I believe that control brings responsibility and it is quite imperative that ...
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