Pablo Picasso And Self Portrait

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Pablo Picasso and Self Portrait

Pablo Picasso and Self Portrait


The purpose of this paper is to review a famous artist and his work. Thus in this paper we are going to review Pablo Picasso and his famous work named as “The Three Dancers”. This analysis is important since the study of "Art" provide us with the knowledge needed for the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of works of art through the language of design and visual thinking, considering that in today's society, high technology, the field of traditional arts has been enriched by the contribution of other events from the visual media, so that the world of the image is part of our everyday reality. Similarly, the work of art, along with other sources of historical knowledge, is, in itself, a valuable document and a unique and indispensable witness to know the future of societies, while virtualizes them as a transformer. Therefore, it is essential to study the work of art in its socio-cultural context as a starting point for the analysis of the different factors and circumstances involved in the process of creating the artwork, and appreciate art teach contextualized visual culture of each historical moment while stressing the fact that artistic works are another dimension to endure over time as objects susceptible of different social uses and functions in each period (Daix, 1994).

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 25, 1881. He started painting at age 12 under the direction of his father who was a professor of art. The art of Pablo Ruiz Picasso is considered one of the Spanish icons in the world of the last century. All his life, Pablo Picasso moved from one style to another at the forefront of innovation. Consequently, he was ranked among the "Modern Painters" most famous in the world, next to those of Van Gogh or Monet. Picasso is a very avant-garde artist, constantly breaking academic schemes clearly guided by his creative mind and feelings (Krauss, 1999). He had a very special approach to treat art: the plasma through figures and elements that at first glance may seem a little crazy, ideas and feelings that lived in his time. For all these reasons and more is that Picasso is recognized as one of the most creative minds in modern history, as well effective painter.


Self-portrait1907 is interesting as an early development of the final primitive mask-like from in Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.Vallauris Period was the time when he was entirely devoted to ceramics, Picasso painted about 30 self portraits out of which we are going to analyze the work Self Portrait (1907), which is one of the last that made ??Picasso, feeling identified by post-impressionism. It is part of the Rose Period. This famous portrait is 50x46 cm (about 20x18 inches). The portrait is located in National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic. The purpose of making this self portrait was to let people know how he looked like. The material used in self portrait was oil paint on ...
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