Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

I was born on March 31 1993 in China. I belong to a minority group that migrated to the country seeking a sustainable livelihood and better living conditions. Since an early age, I have been inclined towards studies and this drive to excel in academics has been the main reason that has motivated me to pursue education, even in the face of adversity and hardships. i received my earlier education from a local school and was among the top scorers in my batch. Although the quality of education of the local Chinese education system is not considered to be one of the best in the world, I was able to acquire a well-rounded education later when I joined high school in America. My family migrated to the United States in the year 2009. This was inarguably the best decision that my parents had made in a long time. This is particularly true in my case because I suddenly realized that I had a wide range of options to choose from as far as my academic career was concerned. The education system of the United States is considered to be one of the best in the world and I saw our migration to the country as a blessing since I could choose from among the institutions that the country has to offer. Moreover, America is a liberal and tolerant nation where equal opportunities are awarded to all and this meant that I was free to join any high school I preferred, the only concern being that I could afford it.

However, while having arguably the best quality of education in the world, the United States is one of the few countries where the best quality education cannot be afforded by all citizens. This did not work in my favor so that I had to search for a high school that was a little easy on the pocket. With much searching, I was able to find Plano West Senior High School which was affordable for me while also being one of the premier academic institutions in the region. I decided to join Plano West Senior High School since it seemed to me to be the most ideal option. It was one of the best high schools in town and was also quite easy on my dad's pocket. My years in Plano West Senior were amazing and for the first time, I was ...
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