Perspective Of Human Behavior

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Perspective of Human Behavior


Alcohol is hypotonic, sedative and addictive drug. Its central nervous system depressant Alcohol promptly weakens up judgment leading to behaviors which can effortlessly contribute or source accidents. Ethanol is immediately absorbed from small intestine and is sent via blood to the entire human body. As cell membranes are extremely permeable to alcohol, so it can almost diffuse to every biological tissue of the body. This can result in several psychological and physical disorders.

This document discusses the case study that explores what psychological changes alcohol can cause and what impacts can this have on human behavior.


Albert is 38 years old; he has referred to support service for people with drug and alcohol difficulties. He began drinking when he was 12. He started to use alcohol in his late twenties. He has experienced a number of sober periods in his life, lasting several years at a time. Three years ago Albert began drinking more than one occasion was hospitalized. Keeping this case study in mind the document will further explore the human behavior modifications in an alcohol addict.

Influences on the Behavior and Perspectives

Here the cases study indicates that Albert had been through tough times in life that channeled his interest towards alcoholism. Alcoholism together with the unpredictability and instability of a particular family and social life can lead to the creation of factors that formulates the most destructive force to the development of particular individual. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory views the development of an individual within the paradigm of the framework of relationships and other environmental factors that forms the environment of an individual. The theory states that “layers” of environment are the complex factors that play integral part in child's development. It focuses on the relationship between the development of an individual and changing environmental factors. If the coordination between two are lost, as in Albert's case, the outcomes can be destructive such as addiction to alcohol or drug abuse.

Our behavior contributes to the aura we live in and excessive consumption of alcohol cannot only affect our behavior in a negative way but can leave poor impact on surroundings and people we live with. At first the individual thinks that drinking gives him pleasure and hence drinking becomes a means of social escape. An individual might try escaping from problems, anxiety, depressions and vulnerabilities of life. Being a depressant of central nervous system even minute amount of alcohol consumed gives feeling of pleasure and release from depression. Nonetheless this is escorted by the drop of performance in every activity involving skill. At first an individual drinks alcohol because he wants to get away from things he don't want to face, however afterwards he continues to drinks as tolerance and addiction develops. Furthermore, in other extreme case after consuming alcohol things might appear easier to do. When consuming additional than the recommended serving amount, one can possibly start feeling a lot more relaxed around the individuals one is socializing with, whilst becoming woozy and to some extent ...
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