Pharmaceutical Of Today And How They Work In Our Society

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Pharmaceutical of Today and How They Work in Our Society


This research paper entails detailed research on the pharmaceutical today and ways they are working in society, along with the impacts on the society. This paper explains in detail the history of the pharmaceutical, their need or origin, roles played by them, their hidden roles, global challenges faced by them, the need for cooperation, future of pharmaceuticals, alternative models, and support for new model. It also explains the role society and lifestyle in playing in the increasing trend of disease, and how bad habits are forming into diseases.

Table of Content




Global Cooperation for Global Challenges7

Pharmaceuticals Tomorrow: Process of Drug Discovery8

Development of Drug: Alternative Models10

No Money, No Drugs10

Support of New Models11

Pharmaceuticals Alternative: The Role of Public Health13

Habits as diseases13



Pharmaceutical of Today and How They Work in Our Society


The continuous search for remedies is as old as humanity itself. There are several evidences found in history that the advanced civilization of Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and India were utilizing drugs originated from animals, plants, and minerals for medical purposes. Systematic depiction pertaining to remedies have been transferred to us from Greek ancient times (Theophras, Hippocrates) and from the Roman Empire (Galen, Dioscorides). This knowledge of medicine was espoused by scholars of Arabs, making progression in them and handed over to the civilizations further. These progress and developments served mankind for a longer period of time as an imperative part and basis of medicine. It was in the late 16th century that ancient model started detaching itself. However, it was in 1573, that a new direction was presented by Paracelsus, who stated a phrase that poison is only made by dose (Baker, 2008). At the beginning of the 19th century, notified progress was made in the fields of organic chemistry, whose importance can barely be overvalued. However, in ancient times, and priory drug treatment was only limited to the inorganic chemicals, and natural substances, whereas, now people initiate to produce organic synthetic drugs by utilizing substances originated from plants as the basis. An exceptional progress in pharmaceutical synthesis resulted in invention of numerous synthesized active ingredients, within a very short span of time. Researchers have been making researchers and were successful in instituting relation between the chemical structure, and action and reaction of these substances.

Pharmaceuticals play imperative role in the enhancement and fortification of health welfare of animals and humans. In the year 2007, the sale of pharmaceutical industry sale exceeded US$700 billion across the globe, which included palliative and therapeutic, prevention, and treatments of diseases. The immense benefits that pharmaceuticals are providing to humans, with their evolving sophistication, particularly with the introduction of the application of biotechnology and nanotechnology, resulting in saving humans from risk of harm. The risk pertains to toxicity and unexpected adverse impact from the active ingredients of pharmaceutical from tapered curative perspective, and from cytotoxics. The risk is also related to the addition of drug, abuse of drugs, and unintentional poisoning from usage of particular drugs. Children, infants, and the elderly ...
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