Political Legitimacy

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Different people have different perceptions related to the concepts of politics and legitimacy. One should be clear in understanding the basics of both the terms. Politics is about a set of principles according to which a country or state is operated. On the other hand, legitimacy is about legality of authority and power. On the basis of the given concepts it is easier for an individual to derive the meaning of political legitimacy. Though, in reality it is not easy to define the concepts and rationality behind this specific term.

There are many philosophers who have proposed different studies, which will be discussed as well. Those philosophies and concepts will help people to understand the reason why political legitimacy cannot be defined or better say why it is not easily defined. On the basis of factually discussed approaches comments will be given just to make the argument more authentic and reliable. This will help to build a better understanding related to the different concepts of political legitimacy.


Political Legitimacy

Political legitimacy is the most talked about subject all over the world. There are different theories which have been proposed by different authors and scholars to support political legitimacy. Before throwing lights on the concept of political legitimacy, one must know the terminology first. Political legitimacy is the combination of two distinctive terms a) Politics and b) legitimacy. Politics is described as the science of leading any government and its affairs. On the contrary legitimacy is the basically defined as the lawfulness. At places politics is also referred as authority and power (Johnston L., Eagles M., 2008, p. 20). Therefore political legitimacy is the lawful practice of politics and running any government as per the laws and regulation. According to many individuals political legitimacy is about political power. The wrong use of power cannot be justified by any scholar or any theory. Power can only be justified if it is granted by the laws of any state or government. With justification comes morality, power must be moral and defined as logically.

Belief in legitimacy as described by Weber is mostly talked about by different social scientists (Weber, 1968, p. 213). At other places it is also mentioned that legitimacy is developed from the concept of faith in authority. Moreover, legitimate power, in simple words can be stated as power (Weber 1956, pp. 23, 157, 659; 1958, p. 493). Most of the theories also relate this to ethics and correctness as well. In any country or state it is difficult to set a specific political legitimacy because of multiple reasons for instance it is all about people's beliefs and faith. It cannot be possible that every single individual's belief coincides with the political system's legitimacy. Even then different philosophers try to differentiate their studies on the basis on numerous grounds. The fact remains the same and that is it is difficult to define the political legitimacy I a complete mannerism which satisfies every individual's concerns and ...
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