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Political Sciences

Political Sciences

Task 1: U.S. National Security Policy

The sudden revelation of the vulnerability of the United States has led the U.S. government to reorient its entire strategy towards a radicalization of the national security policy. Redefining security policy has induced many changes, a substantial administrative reorganization, repositioning of the security objectives and implied a redefinition of fundamental freedoms. These changes have contributed to the presidentialization the American regime, marked by the weakening of the powers of Congress and by the hypertrophy of the prerogatives of the Head of State. Internationally, conducting a unilateral foreign policy offensive and participated in the affirmation of the hegemony of the United States face a divided international community. The executive is now focusing most of the power in national security, at risk of harm to the mechanisms of checks and balances to own American presidential system and traditional liberal values.

The NSC (National Security Council or NSC) is an administrative organization reporting directly to the President of the United States. It has a role of advice, coordination and sometimes pulse on issues of foreign policy of national security, and more generally on all strategic issues. It's a little known actor, but higher, sometimes predominant, the foreign policy of the United States.

Statute to meet the Vice President , the Secretary of State (equivalent of foreign minister in other countries), the Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor about the President. This is the chairperson, while his administration is headed by National Security Advisor. You can invite other members depending on the circumstances.

Certainly, the U.S. has abandoned the rhetoric of the "Global War on Terror" (noting that terrorism is a method, not an ideology or power) or the phraseology of the axis of evil and war " preemptive ". Certainly, the new administration are often reminded that the fight against "violent extremism" (new way of naming the opponents without referring to their religion) begins with the exemplary U.S. on human rights and freedoms. Certainly, it will now seek multilateral solutions with its allies.Certainly, the U.S. increasingly rely on their "smart power" (mixture of "hard power"as a symbol of military power and "soft power", the alleged influence of the country by the seduction of his culture, exemplarity of his "open society", its prosperity and its institutions or the universality of values ??it embodies and spreads). .

Yet all almost ten years after September 11, and when the war in Afghanistan became the longest war in U.S. history (longer than Vietnam, for example), the new president has waived nor the notion of a single organization major source of threats against global security, or hunting for weapons of mass destruction, nor in the crusade against rogue states or proliferation, let alone the idea that the U.S. must, thanks to their military superiority, their interests and their leadership and as a policeman and as a world model. All without worldliness, because, as Obama said: "As long as we face multiple threats - from states, nonstate actors and failed states - we will maintain military superiority which ensured ...
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