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Growth of Poverty and Slums in Cities in the Global South

Growth of Poverty and Slums in Cities in the Global South


With the increased changes taking place globally, the world has experienced changes in the standard of living of people and has also seen the negative impacts of the increasing poverty in the world. Changes that are taking place with respect to the economies of the different cities are alarming as these changes are affecting the lives of the people in a negative manner and are causing difficulties for the people to work and lead their life in a normal manner. In addition to this, it is also essential for the government and the related authorities to take steps and measures that will help in reducing the poverty that has grown immensely over the years. A number of factors have contributed to the increase in poverty and slums in the Global South cities and will be discussed in this paper.


The growth of poverty has caused a number of problems for the people, as well as, the authorities and the government. They are unable to plan their development with the increased rate of poverty in the country. The government initially should look for the causes due to which the rate of poverty is increasing and should then look for various ways with the help of which they can combat the issue of increasing poverty (www.weforum.org). In addition to this, third world countries are the ones that are impacted the most by the increasing rate of poverty. The government and other authorities in the third world countries lack funds due to which they are unable to implement systems that will facilitate the citizens of the country.

Cities in the global south are the ones that are facing the issue of increasing poverty in the world. Thus it is essential for the people to understand the different issues that they have to face regarding the increase in poverty. The government should make sure that the urban areas are focused and that the different ways of working and helping these areas to get rid of the poverty issues they are facing are met (www.theguardian.com). With this, they will have to make sure that the various ways of combating poverty and for reducing slums in the city are taken so that the citizens can lead a better life.

Growth in slums and poverty in the countries have caused the people to lead a life that is not according to their standards and that will have a negative impact on the people of the country. It is important for the people to understand the necessary ways which will help the people in identifying as to how they can prove to be successful and how it will help the people in ensuring the various ways with which they can control poverty (Frenzel, 2012, pp. 44-59). Factors causing poverty should be controlled so the country emerges as a developed nation and also helps the people in identifying the various ways which ...
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