Psychoanalytic Theory

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Psychoanalytic Theory

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Overview of Psychoanalytical Theory3


Psychoanalytic Approach / Psychodynamic3

Theory of Personality Structure4

The Sexual Instinct Theory5

The Theoretical Interpretation of Dreams6

Implication of Psychoanalytical Theory on Nursing6

Critique: Strengths and limitations of Theory6

Research Studies7

Defense Mechanisms and Empirical Findings7

Ego and Reality in Psychoanalytic Theory8



Psychoanalytic Theory


Psychology is the study of human and animal psychological phenomenon, scientific mental function and behavior, both a theoretical discipline is an applied science. Including theoretical psychology and applied psychology two main areas. Psychological research involves perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behavior, and relationships in many areas of daily life including family, education, health, and other related occurrence. This paper aims to give an account of psychoanalytic theory along with its theorists. Furthermore, the paper gives an overview of the application of psychoanalytical theory in nursing.

Overview of Psychoanalytical Theory

Psychoanalytic theory belongs to psychodynamic theory, the German psychiatrist Sigmund Freud was founded in the early 19th century, 20th century. This theory is the cornerstone of modern psychology, its influence is distant from inadequate to the field of clinical psychology, psychological science for various areas throughout the West, and even the humanities have a profound influence. Its influence can be compared with Darwin's theory of evolution (Rutan, Stone & Shay, 2007).


Psychoanalytic Approach / Psychodynamic

The theory is expounded human mental activity, including desire, impulse, thought, decision, fantasy, judgment, emotion, etc., will occur and be in a diverse degree of consciousness. Different level of consciousness, including consciousness, subconscious and unconscious three levels, different shades of crustal levels seem to exist, so called spiritual level.

Some individual's psychological activity is well-aware of his or her own. They have a heart of perception, emotional flow and perception knows as consciousness. A few repressed desires and instinctive impulses or vitality happen in the realm of potential unknowingly happen, since id do not fulfill intellect and morality, cannot enter the conscious awareness and so an individual is not aware of the notion of his desires, ideas, and other psychological functioning is called the subconscious. Subconsciously are circles in the middle of conscious and unconscious level, some unpleasant or painful sensation, perception, ideas, memories are often subconscious pressure exists at this level, under normal circumstances would not be perceived by the individual, but when the individual's ability to control such lax drunkenness, hypnosis or dream, occasionally appears briefly in the level of consciousness, let individuals perceive.

Theory of Personality Structure

Freud believed that the personality structure of the id, ego, and superego three parts. The id is the origin of their own, including simple wish needed to survive, impulse, and vitality. This is the source of all my mental energy of the id act according to the pleasure principle, it overlooks social ethics, external behavior specification, which the only condition is to be happy and avoid suffering, but my goal to obtain the individual's reproduction, survival, comfort, and it is unconscious, is not apparent by the individual.

Self, which entails the German original intent own is thinking about their execution may be aware, the feeling, the ...
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