Psychometric Properties Of The Portuguese Version Of Sport Engagement Questionnaire (Pseq)

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[Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese version of Sport Engagement Questionnaire (PSEQ)]



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Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese version of Sport Engagement Questionnaire (PSEQ)

1. Introduction

One of the central tenets of behavioural and cognitive-behavioural conceptualizations of chronic agony is that agony-related behaviours (e.g. limping, agony accusations or excessive resting) can be sustained by the answers of a agony sufferer's important other ones, such as their spouse, colleague, or family constituents (Fordyce and Keefe). In support of this outlook, a number of empirical studies have demonstrated an association between important other ones of chronic pain patients and assesses of patients' pain-related disability and anguish ( impede; Kerns; Flor; Paulsen and Romano). In supplement, the outcome of other investigations have indicated that living with someone who has chronic pain is affiliated with assesses of significant other ones' anguish and behaviour ( impede; Ahern; Rowat; Flor and Flor. In most investigations, patients' important other ones have frequently been implicated as the prime strengthening agencies of agony behaviours ( Romano et al., 1992).

While the outcome of these investigations have been reliable with the behavioural and cognitive-behavioural forms of chronic agony, it is noteworthy that the psychometric properties for numerous of the instruments used to consider the answers of important other ones have not been reported. For example, a number of studies have used instruments (such as The Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test) that were not developed for, or initially intended to be used with the specific population of pain patients and their significant others (Ahern and Follick, 1985). Other assesses, whereas possibly very helpful, have not had their validity or reliability assessed out-of-doors one-by-one clinics or investigations ( Kerns and Rosenberg, 1995). Although Kerns and Rosenberg, for example, can not be expected to replicate their own outcome outside their own clinic(s), the generalisability of their findings in these investigations continues to be established. In much of the publications in this area there has furthermore been only restricted addition of non-behavioral variables that increasingly have been recognized as being significant in other clinical domains (although this is likely ascribed to the detail that until somewhat lately, most of the study in this locality has expressly set out to test the hypotheses derived from operant idea, e.g. Romano and Romano.

The present study was proposed to address these shortcomings by assessing the psychometric properties of a variety of self-report instruments using a sample of important other ones of moderately to importantly handicapped and distressed chronic agony patients assisting a large, teaching clinic agony centre. The self-report devices have been designed and chosen ...