The Old-Testament

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Religion & Theology

Religion & Theology

The Old-Testament in the Christian tradition refers to the New Testament. Among the Jews, the Bible commonly referred to Kitwe ha-Kodesh ("Holy Scriptures") or, in abbreviated form, the Tanach - the first letters of the names of three principal parts of the Hebrew Bible: Torah (Pentateuch), Nevi'im (Prophets, in turn subdivided into Nevi'im Rishonim, etc. is, the earlier prophets, and Nevi'im Aharoni, i.e. later Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings or hagiographers). Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel (1 and 2), Kings (1 and 2) the later Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve minor prophets of Scripture: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles 1 and 2. The Old-Testament of the Protestant Bible has 39 books and meets the canon of the Hebrew Bible. This book is a compendium of stories, which has a prologue account of the origins and early history of salvation. It tells the story of the origin of humankind and the beginning of the selection of a people. This book presents God as a loving, merciful God of the opportunity, one God, creator of things good and beautiful. This book presents humanity, the descendants of Adam and gradually the story focuses on a chosen people to bless all creation.

The Book of Genesis (Hebrew, "in principle", greek, "Birth", "creation", "origin" Latin Genesis; Arab ganazi), commonly referred to as Genesis (female) is the first book of the Torah, Hebrew and Bible Christian. It is written in Hebrew and, according to the assumptions shared by most scholars, its final version, by authors unknown, is the place in the sixth and fifth centuries BC in Judea, based on earlier oral and written traditions.

Genesis beyond establishing laws, duties or charges, offer a convenient way, a road will be a blessing for those who choose to follow their own will. If the covenant imposed, the freedom to decide not exist, but God swore by himself, giving the man the opportunity to decide for himself to do God's will or not do it. Thus, provided the possibility of man's will is to do the will of God or do the opposite to it. The pact is thus not an imposition, but an opportunity. It is not an obligation but a council of eternal life. There is the imperative requirement of God, but the chance of a merciful God.

The Genesis presented as a historical work that begins with the creation of the world, then tell of how God created living beings, and ultimately humans. Follows the story of the first human beings, and hence the origins of the people of Israel, beginning with the lives of its patriarchs. It contains, therefore, the historical basis for religious ideas and institutions that underlie the state of Israel, and serves as an introduction to its history and its laws, customs and legends.

This book was titled Exodus (exit) from the ancient Greek and Latin translations, because it tells how God delivered his people, ...
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