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Executive Summary

This report provides an evaluation and review of the Monash University and the Student Mobility and Employability level. The past literature also focused because the investigators have conducted a study method for evaluating the enhancing factors of mobility and employability. For this, data has obtained by using the questionnaire technique. The investigators have targeted the respondents and provide questionnaire to them. The data has compiled by using the questionnaires. This data support to The Monash Learning has played a vital role in the world. Every year they offered abroad students and welcomed them in their Learning. The Education committee of Monash has obtained fellowship proposals from different countries. These proposals support their education system and prepared their students to be responsible in globally. The main epitome of this report is to analyze the Student mobility and employability in Monash Learning.


Outline of the Project4

Rationale Background5

Major Stakeholders/Participants5

Scope of Application of Findings6


Literature Review7


Data Collection Process8

Surveys & Quantitative Study8

Primary Method8

Data Samples & Analysis8


Discussion of Findings11

Primary Outcomes12

Primary & Secondary Outcome12

Dissemination/Knowledge Transfer Processes12

Limitations/Future Directions12




List of Figures & Tables

Table 1.1 : Timeline of Research

Table 1.2 Gender Data

Figure 1.2 Gender Data

Table 1.3 Age Group

Figure 1.3: Age Group

Table 1.4: Exchange Type

Figure 1.4: Exchange Type



The Monash training is necessary procedures that have many vital techniques. The education grant committee of Monash has interested to attain the fellowship proposals from several University and teaching ability of different countries. These proposals and fellowship have positively affected because it gives Monash a proper and systematic structure to improve their teaching and learning methods. The main task is to prepare their students for that platform where they are easily facing Global citizens and responsible for presenting Monash at international level. Gill described in his article about the collaborative effort with different education system, Monash has rapidly enhanced their educational criteria where students have attained recognition at the middle level (Gill, 2002).

Outline of the Project

For analyzing the significance of Monash University and student mobility and employability proper research has carried. To examine this function vividly, the experience of this project has discussed because it will help to familiar with the central idea. The primary stakeholders that are directly or indirectly connected to this process also discussed. After analyzing the main purpose, the range of use also determines. This scope will effectual for analyzing the principal findings of Monash University and student mobility and employability. The timeline is also mandatory because it help to categorize all work in a systematic approach. The past literature also used for examine the importance of Monash and the ratio of mobility and employability of students. The methodology part is also efficient because it requires data collection process. Sample size is the main thing which the investigator has generated, and it also categorizes which study design has performed either qualitative or quantitative. Findings define the issues which have obtained from the results. Primary and secondary outcome also discuss which help to determine the nature of data. Recommendation and limitations also help to determine the pros and cons ...
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