Research On Exxon Mobil Oil Company

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Research on Exxon Mobil Oil Company

Research on Exxon Mobil Oil Company


Exxon Mobil Corporation was previously known by the name of Standard Oil or Jersey Stand. The company was formerly founded in 1882 in the state of Virginia. Exxon Mobil Oil Company is a subsidiary company of Exxon Mobil Corporation. The company is involved in exploration, manufacturing and transportation of crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products. The company today operates a fuel station along with several motor fuel brand products. The company was founded by Rockefeller and his associates. They chose the name Standard Oil in order to define that there products are off high quality. The company today is one of the leading companies in the energy sector of United States of America.


The owners of Exxon Mobil Oil Company lost their ownership power over the years due to receiving large amounts of venture capital. The company till 2012 adopts different ventures which included mergers, acquisition and public-private partnerships. The company received venture capital's from Russia, Britain and many other public companies in United States of America. For example in 1999 the company went through two big mergers with BP (British Petroleum) and Shell. Against receiving the capital of $ 1.65 billion BP was granted 30% share of the company resources. Similarly the company forms a joint venture with Russia for a capital amount of $ 3.2 billion. Thus the company today has gone public and is listed in the stock exchange and has many shareholders.

The company has not yet gone public but it is planning to go public through offering $ 1.3 trillion of IPO opportunities for the stakeholders in the future. ( the financial statements of the company for the last three years show that there has been a drastic increase in the profits of the company and ...
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