Response On “the Reformers And Their Stepchildren””

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Response on “The Reformers and Their Stepchildren””

Response on “The Reformers and Their Stepchildren””


This paper contains the analysis of “The Reformers and Their Stepchildren”, a brilliant manuscript of “Leonard Verduin”. The author has presented his thoughts about the separation of Church from the state on the basis of his thorough research conducted in this regard. The paper also contains the strengths and weaknesses of the content, from the reader's perspective.

Summary of the Book

The book “The Reformers and Their Stepchildren” is a well-documented and brilliant book, revealing the tension and anxiety between the Christendom and the church. The author of the book “Leonard Verduin” has described the no designated form of religion in terms of the pioneering carried out by the stepchildren of the Reformation. The reformation era of church history is described as a battle between two parties, including the established church and the magisterial reformers. However, the author presents the hidden facts associated with the involvement of Radical Reformation; a group that was the most controversial also called “Anabaptists (re-baptizers)” (Bennett & Min, n.d.).

History has been presenting the Anabaptists as the radical heretics who were violent in their attitudes to the extreme level. The Protestants and Catholics used to persecute these people for their aggressiveness. The author has presented a thorough research on this controversial aspect of Christendom. The Anabaptists are classified as the stepchildren of the reformers who were split from the reformers, based on their emphasis on the adequacy of Scripture and the validation by confidence alone. The separation of church and state has been treated as the heresies doctrine. It is believed as the believers' baptism and the necessity of living a holy life (

The re-establishment of the biblical views of salvation and scripture is presented in the book as the best part of the magisterial reformers. The ...