Response To Intervention

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Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention


Response to Intervention approach is widely used in USA and internationally. It is the approach which helps children with learning and behavioral disabilities by providing them early intervention in academic learning. This approach faces various issues and challenges which need to be resolved in order to achieve maximum outcome from this approach. This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives of response to intervention. It also elaborates the purpose, benefits and challenges according to student's learning experience.


Purpose of Response-To-Intervention (RTI) Approach

RTI approach is concerned with students who are having difficulties and problems in the educational field (Cummings, 2008). The academics are usually affected by the disabilities and learning issues of the child in early stages. RTI seeks to assist such children at an early stage who are generally having problems in academic learning. The purpose of RTI is to provide assistance and guidance to students experiencing any sort of challenges in learning. RTI approach incorporates early intervention in a child's learning phases to influence the learning style in various manners. Children are assessed through various techniques and children with problems are provided RTI.

Figure: Response-to-Intervention Tiers

There are basically three tiers in RTI approach, which are involved in the overall process. The first tier refers to the school wide interventions. The monitoring system is done on school wide basis. Second tier comprises of core instructions and targeted interventions. The first tier distinguishes the children with problems. The targeted intervention is directed towards the particular cases of such children. The third tier refers to intensive intervention. It is directed towards the cases of children who need RTI. Otherwise, the academic learning would not be possible for such students. Thus, these three tiers explain the complexities of the children which require RTI to their distinctive complexities.

Benefits of RTI Approach

There are many benefits of RTI approach pertaining to children and educational development. . The primary benefit is the assistance to children in better academic learning. USA highly emphasizes on RTI approach to guide children and help them in early stages to achieve a significant level of learning. This provides favorable chances and opportunities to young students in entering the early stages of learning effectively. RTI has revealed various possibilities of helping and guiding the children facing problems in academic learning (Gresham, 2006). The improvement in learning and development of children has been observed with the appropriate implementation of this approach. Therefore, it is successful applied in various fields where academics are concerned. This enabled the children in better and increased rate of learning with the passage of time.


Many children face problems and challenges in early stages of learning and academic development. RTI is associated with education and teaching. Proper teaching can help students in learning and study with interest and motivation. The interest can be build by several methods such as integration of technology in academic learning. The challenges in RTI approach are the identification of children with problems. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels ...