Role Of Edible Mushrooms

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Role of Edible Mushrooms

Role of Edible Mushrooms


In foods and medicine, Mushrooms have been in use since long time by humans. More than 1200 dissimilar edible mushroom species are available for human consumption. Edible mushrooms are protein rich, contain vital amino acids, numerous minerals and vitamin b-complex, and have been known to have ample quantity of dietary fiber. The recent research in the health benefits of mushrooms has shown them to enhance human immune system and improves the adaptive capabilities of human body. Mushrooms are categorized as macro-fungi due their large size and visibility to naked eye. The mushrooms grow both below the surface of the ground and above the service of the ground. Some edible mushrooms are very similar to the poisonous mushroom kinds, for example Amanita phalloides is known as dead cap is very similar to edible mushroom Caesar (Hall et al., 2003). This similarity has been responsible for the poisoning and fatalities of many people. Some mushrooms, after treatment become edible. Edible mushrooms are wildly harvested or are properly cultivated. The importance of mushroom production is also due to the use of agricultural and forestry waste. The cultivation of mushroom aligns well with the green production systems which are the prime focus of current century. The increase in the consumption of mushroom has opened opportunities for farmers across the globe. Some farmers have started growing edible mushrooms on small scale while others have established special controlled environment for the cultivation of mushrooms. We will be reviewing the history of edible mushrooms and will be exploring the origin of mushroom eating. We will look into the types of edible mushrooms, their classification in global perspective. The role of edible mushrooms will be reviewed in the fields of agriculture and food production.

History of Edible Mushrooms

The activity of eating mushrooms known as mycophagy, traces its roots to ancient times. In Chile, non-poisonous mushrooms types were discovered in the 13,000 years old ruins, but the China takes the lead in the use of edible mushrooms dating back to many hundred years BC. They used the mushroom for food purposes and also utilized them in the medicine. The upper classes of Romans and Greeks in ancient times used mushroom for cooking purposes frequently. The Romans employed food tasters to check and ensure the safety of the mushrooms.

The early ancestors must have discovered the use of mushrooms by trial and error and have categorized them as safe of unsafe. They must have evaluated them on the bases of taste and edibility, checking for after effects like gastric upsets and fatalities. Mushrooms were discovered to exhibit hallucinogenic and medicinal characteristics. The tribe's medicine man or Shaman were often the persons who discovered and possessed knowledge of the edible and non edible mushrooms and they used it provide the healing to the people and cure certain diseases. The other type of mushrooms, hallucinogenic, was supposed to improve the Shaman powers and facilitate him in connecting with God and the ability to predict the ...
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