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Ruth- Religious book


Ruth has the main character in the book, and, the title, even based on her name. The title Ruth signifies clemency. The story demonstrates the text about God's grace and clemency that goes beyond Israel for including everyone. The Book of Ruth provides an enthralling short story about a non-Jewish woman, who had her marriage in a Jewish family. She later on became an antecedent of David and Jesus. Ruth book is one of the Bible's condensed books, which has story covered in the four chapters. The crucial role played by a Moabite woman known as Ruth the daughter-in-law of a Jewish widow was known as Naomi. It is a close family story of hardship, cunning usage of kinship ties, and eventually faithfulness.


Ruth is a drama, categorized under four drams with an introduction and epilogue attached with each other. The preface states the way Naomi, her husband and two sons went to Moab, where her sons got married. Finally, Naomi's husband and sons died, and, she made a decision return to Bethlehem in Judea (1:1-7). During the first instance, Naomi told Moabite daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, to have their accommodation in Moab. Orpah finally decided to agree, but Ruth was not ready to leave Naomi and go with her to Bethlehem (1:8-22). The other occasion saw Ruth collecting barley in the fields of Naomi's relative, Boaz, who expressed concern for Ruth (2:1-23). The third activity took place at the threshing floor which was a place of Naomi's establishment. Ruth tried to hide until Boaz would sleep and then silently lie down by his feet. When Boaz woke up, Ruth expressed her will to marry the man in accordance with the tradition of the kinsman-savior. However, Boaz told her that the other man has an earlier statement (3:1-18). At last, near the city gate, another relative relinquished his claim, and Boaz married Ruth (4:1-12). The epilogue has relation to Naomi's happiness during the occurrence of the events and then listed some of Ruth's ancestry, including David (4:13-18) (Barth, 1969, 53).

Ruth book is a high drama that had a huge role in the Jewish oral tradition. A loyal family is attracted by the famine from Judah in the non-Jewish land of Moab. Their sons' names are images for their unhappiness, for "Mahlon" means "sickness" and "Chilion" means "wasting" in Hebrew. These words are mythical inventions that had title for ...
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