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In our research we evaluated the different from of scepticism and its development through the history. The scepticism provides an approach to question the current established facts and to search for their answers. The philosophical scepticism questions the existence of knowledge while methodological scepticism evaluates the validity and accuracy of established facts. The academic scepticism is different from the scepticism proposed by Pyrrho, who advocated that in order to accept new phenomena; the evidence should also be impressive. The academic scepticism is found to deviate from the Greek's methodology of scepticism as, it takes the biasness and misinformation spread surrounding the today's environment. It considers every information as wrong until proven true.

Table of Contents



Concepts of Scepticism5

Difference between Philosophical and Methodological Scepticism6

Philosophical scepticism6

Scientific scepticism6

Pyrrho of Elis and academic scepticism6

Personal opinion on scepticism methodology9

Basis of opinion9




The concept of Scepticism in a general way refers to the placement of doubts regarding whether a certain object or a particular idea exists in reality or if it is the truth. This idea can be found in all walks of life. However, it is most commonly found in several philosophical works.

Idea of scepticism can clearly be seen in pharmaceutical research and analysis. Based on the studies being provided in the two articles we can see the dispute that lies within the medical and pharmaceutical industry and what large pharmaceutical industries are faking in order to gain more profits rather them spending their funds over research and studies of new medicines and drugs that can prove to be beneficial to the patients. Less than 10 % of the research is done in this aspect that shows the relative and absolute effective measures. This creates a great doubt in people's minds as whether the inequalities in the research are rising or falling with the passage of time. Furthermore, the prevalence in reporting of the measures can also lead to the overestimation of the inequalities related to the disease that are at a lower risk. Based on the studies and recommendations that have been made in this aspect we can observe a better approach towards these measures which will help create more transparency in the industry as well as decrease the amount of biasness that lies within the industries regarding false representations. This will also help in decreasing the inequalities related to health in different countries and regions. The inequality also lies within the research and development of medicines that can benefit the patients. Industries show that much is being invested over the research and development of new and innovative medicines and only few medicines are being produced that can show benefits to the patients. (Light, 2012, pp.1-5) (King, et al. 2012, pp.1-8)


Methodological Scepticism was presented by a famous French philosopher “Rene Descartes”. He is also known as Father of Modern Philosophy. Descartes since the beginning had a passion about writing on things, not written before. He once stated in his book that he will continue to write on matters, on which literature is not ...
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