Sci Td Questions Applied Scientific Inquiry

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SCI TD Questions Applied Scientific Inquiry

SCI TD Questions Applied Scientific Inquiry

In a digital switch, how is current flow regulated?

Digital switches do not regulate current directly. They do regulate voltage which in turn will affect current or amperage. Digital mock-ups done in the classic role of conventional keyboards, providing a brief power to move accessories suitable endowed with a solenoid (electromagnet), such as needles detours, signs, roads release, etc. It provides a current flow to an accessory such as a lighting station, a traffic light LED's, a small water pump in a model, a deviation whose hands move through a system with off limit switch or simply providing or noncurrent driving a section of track.

A digital switch allows the current to flow through it. When it is closed it has zero resistance, however, when it is opened, it has the highest resistance (David, 2000).

What is being integrated on an integrated circuit?

An integrated circuit (IC) is a small tablet material semiconductor on which electronic circuits are generally manufactured using photolithography. There are many integrated circuits dedicated to specific applications (ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit), including signal processing (image processing, video compression) is referred to as DSP (Digital Signal Processor).

What is the difference between SSI, MSI, LSI, and VLSI?

SSI: it is used in making IC with fewer than hundred transistors.

MSI: it contains from thirty to thousand electronic components on a single chip.

LSI: It is said that integration is a large scale when thousands of basic electronic circuits are integrated on a chip. Many of these circuits as well as being electric follow the rules of Boolean logic.

VLSI: VLSI based transistors in integrated circuits began in the year 1980, as part of the technologies of semiconductor and communications that were being developed (Dan, 2006).

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