Science And Plagiarism

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Science and Plagiarism


What we mean by "science"? How it affects the world civilization? What is the role of science in modern society? What gives the modern man, new scientific discoveries? Finding answers to these questions all the time accompanied by the formation and development of modern science and has become pressing for recognition as its very essence and civilization, in which the scientific approach to the world has become a real possibility. At the current stage of life, these questions have acquired a new urgency and relevance. Today, the world has come to an informative stage of development. Universal computerization has made it possible to use digital technology in many areas of life. Their use requires new knowledge and skills, and the acquisition of which is to provide modern science.

Science could simply be explained as a systematic enterprise that organizes, and builds certain areas of knowledge in form of predictions. Some of the old scholars referred to science as a reliable body of knowledge, or something which can be explained in coherent and lucid manner.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of science in modern society, because today it has a huge impact on many areas of human life and activity. There is no doubt that the level of development of science depends on all indicators of social, economic, cultural, and educational development. The past century has brought technological, economic and social changes in people's lives. And today, evaluating the role of science in the modern world, we can conclude that the next phase of human development to form its vital functions is the following main areas: computer science, genetics, ecology, and energy, explore the possibilities of the human brain, materials.

Increasing from year to year the role of science in modern society has led to the emergence of its special status in the culture and new ways to interact with many layers of social consciousness. Therefore, there was the problem of correlation characteristics of scientific knowledge and other activities leading to the development of knowledge of common sense, and art.

This philosophical problem has great practical value. Awareness of the features of science is an important prerequisite for the use of scientific methods in the management of cultural processes. This understanding is also necessary to make laws to help control the science itself in conditions of rapid technological progress, because to study the characteristics of scientific knowledge necessary to analyze its social conditioning, as well as its interaction with different spheres of culture, both material and spiritual. In this regard, the role of science in society will continue to increase.

With scientific knowledge one realizes the importance of the world. Most of the role of science in modern society consists in the fact that they operate with no certain knowledge, it is impossible. Scientific knowledge has led to changes in the social structure: a large number of people engaged in intellectual work, and reduce the number of those employed in unskilled labour. Science works on the man himself through ...
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