Science Museums To Facilitate The Academic Learning Of Children With Asperger Syndrome: An Interpretative Study

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[Science Museums to Facilitate the Academic Learning of Children with Asperger Syndrome: An Interpretative Study]


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I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, and this dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views and not essentially which are associated with university.




This document puts forwards the argument that science museums have the potential to stimulate learning for all students. The paper provides an overview of the myriad of learning opportunities available at science museums, and compares the learning that takes place in these museums with laboratory-based learning in the sciences. The study further addresses the important role science museums can play in fostering cognitive and affective education in children, particularly among individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. The paper acknowledges that science museums have both strengths and weaknesses that could influence learning in children, and emphasizes the importance of planning for science museum visits with the aim of enhancing learning and improving attitudes among children. Finally, the study presents implications and recommendations for educators seeking to integrate museum visits into existing science curriculums to improve students' learning and development.

Table of Content




Outline of the Study4

Background to the Research5

Research Aims and Objectives6

Research Questions7


Studying Asperger's Syndrome and Science Learning8

Conceptual Framework8

A Brief History13

Learning Theories and Museum Learning16

Educational Theories on Object-Based Learning16

Promoting a Cognitive Learning Environment in the Science Museum19

The Role of Science Centers22

Planning for Science Museum Exhibits23



List of Figures

Figure 1: Garrison's (1997) Model of Self Directed Learning……………………………...p. 12

Figure 2: Liu's Provider-Receiver's Model of Collaboration……………………………….p. 13

Figure 3: Locations of ASTC Science Center and Museum Members ………………….....p. 17


Outline of the Study

This research focuses on the use of science museum visits as a supplement to existing practice in science curriculums. The paper focuses on the role that science museums can play in fostering cognitive and affective education in children, especially individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. The study consists of the following sections:

The first chapter introduces the research topic and provides the background, research scope, aims and objectives, research questions, and timeline for the study.

The second chapter provides a review of literature relevant to the selected research topic and significance of past work in this field.

The third chapter provides a general idea about the methodology selected for this research. The methodology mainly includes the research design, questionnaire design and framework, sampling technique, data collection method, and ethical considerations for the research. In addition, the chapter will offer a discussion of the reliability and validity of the study.

The fourth chapter presents an analysis and interpretation of the findings revealed over the course of the inquiry.

The fifth chapter summarizes the study and presents recommendations for promoting the science museums and incorporating the museum visits into academic learning. It also highlights the limitations of the study in terms of the method selection and the literature ...
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