Screening Instruments

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Screening Instruments

Screening Instruments

Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory™ (RDSI™)


Since depression has increasing remarkably, it is necessary to assess the symptoms of it as early as possible. In assessing the symptoms of depression in people aged 18-89 years, the RDSI is a reliable measure for quickly assessing the symptoms of depression. As far as major depressive Disorder is concerned, the DSM -IV has been known to play a significant impact.

It has been observed that RDSI has been unable to provide an effective diagnosis, but the cut off scores have been known to be an effective tool in diagnosing more dangerous types of depressions. The RDSI development sample consisted of the 855 adults: 324 psychiatric outpatients and 531 non referred community adults, including the 150 outpatients that are diagnosed with major depression. The RDSI Professional Manual provides normative data based on a sample of 450 non referred community adults.


The dependability of RDSI has been proven in a comprehensive context. It has been highly reliable with high alpha coefficients (.90 in the case of psychiatric patient and .93 in the case of community samples). Since the value of rtt=.94, it signifies the RDSI has been a very effective and reliable measure of not only in clinical and research settings.

Valid measures of depression include construct, factor analysis, contrasted groups which fully align the measures of depression. There has been a highly positive correlation between the RDSI and the Hamilton Depression Rating. It had a correlation of r=.93. The role of clinical validity has been proven through the diagnostic efficiency of RDSI cutoff score. Similarly, it supports the utilization of RDSI in clinical application.


The RDSI questionnaire has been designed that contains 19 items that calculate the degree of impact pertaining to contemporary depression symptoms. In order to complete the questionnaire, it requires reading of 5th grade. Although there has been prevalence of 5-10 minutes but there might be requirement of additional time since there would be presence of slow readers, older respondents, and individuals high in major psychomotor retardation.

The RDSI comes with an absolute professional manual that explains the administration, development, and scoring. The guidelines for interpretation are also included, summaries of reliability, normative data, and validity studies, along with T score conversion tables by the gender (Reynolds & Kobak, 2013).

My Worst Experience Scale (MWES)


The authors of “My Worst Experience Scale” are Hyman, Snook, Berna, DuCette, & Kohr. The publication date of this instrument is 2002 and the population or age group that is covered is from 9 years to 18 years.


Information is gathered by the MWES that pertains to the events of traumatic form the point of view of the adolescence and youth as well as the dilemmas of development. The symptoms linked with the events of traumatic are evaluated and the diagnoses of PTSD can be made.


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