Social Control Theory

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Social Control Theory

Social Control Theory


Social Control theories related to the domain of crime and delinquency is an important topic in the field of criminology. Presented by Travis Hirschi in the form of Social Bond or Social Control theory, it occupies key position in the field of Criminology and has remained so since 1969; when it was introduced. Been subjected to extensive scholars' reviews more than any other theory or phenomenon, it has triggered many debates coupled with heated disagreements emanating from empirical as well theoretical grounds. Travis Hirschi is himself among the most cited criminologists since long having been recognized as one of the leading figures considering the discipline and been relevant to the discipline far more than any other criminologists. It is the Social Bond/ Social Control Theories of his that became his claim to fame in the field of Criminology. The importance of this theory manifests in its emphasis on the importance of family as well as its provision of workable policy recommendations. Belonging to Social Process Theories as one of its major classes; which in addition to Social Control Theory also includes Social Learning Theory and Social Reaction Theory, Social Bond or Social Control Theory states criminality as a resultant factor of the weak nature of ties with the society. This relatively newer and more relevant perspective is what derives the importance of this theory in the field of Criminology. On the back of his theory, Hirschi chose to ask 'why we do not do it?' rather than asking 'why offenders do it?', and this is the view which makes it important for this theory to be studied as it directs our attention towards examining what control our behaviors and influences us to indulge in criminal offense, which in turn could significantly help to minimize criminal behavior.


Social Process Theories

Social Process theories primarily deal with the notion of criminality, seeking to explain it through looking over at it in addition to the perpetration of criminal offenses and acts by wearing lenses that demonstrate and identify criminality as a major element constituting social processes. It is of the belief that criminality is also an offshoot of a learning process, as neither conventional or conforming behavior nor deviant behavior comes naturally, rather it is learned involving learning process. Emphasizing on the precursor of criminal acts as being a learning process, it hints that neither criminals nor law abiding citizens are completely good or bad, instead there is a balance that they strive to maintain and as social groups are adopted, the revision and reevaluation undertaken to maintain balance could give way to skewed behavior. Needless to say the skew could be towards either side of the balance, rendering the person an offender or competently innocent. Defined in its true sense and drawing its true essence, social process theories strives to accumulate tabs on the processes that characterize criminal socialization behavior and practices, so as to subsequently identify the procedure through which social conflict influences people into subduing themselves into committing ...
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