Sovereign And Basis Of Sovereign Power

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Sovereign and Basis of Sovereign Power

Sovereign and Basis of Sovereign Power


In modern political science term (state) sovereignty is used almost as a synonym for the word "independence”. The concept of sovereignty expresses a general property of any State. State sovereignty is manifested in the rule of the government, in its unity and independence. In a literal sense, the word "sovereignty", derived from the Latin word supraneitas means property power, whereby it is the highest i.e. its supremacy. In modern political science, in addition, the term is used as the sovereignty of the individual or citizen (Thomas, 1992, p.594).

It is a fact that sovereign is in the cave of the sensible word, it does not come from heaven intelligible. He must take men as they are in their pride and ignorance. This is not the reason for understanding man in society is its desires, passion, ambition and appetites. Thus, above all the policy must be aware of the struggle over power itself. The policy must be determined in terms of the force that needs to be managed. Thus, Machiavelli said that in time of social crises, it appears this bestial nature of man that is hidden in ordinary times under the guise of polite flattery and cunning act. Basically sovereign makes a constant calculation of interest on behalf of what a supreme Reason of State. According to Franklin (1963), this must be maintained through integrity of the State and overawe the forces that could be dissolved. The sovereign must know how to use the power to exercise the right time, taking into account the circumstances (Franklin, 1963, pp 12-45).

Discussion and Analysis

Political power or sovereign power is exercised through a man or an assembly of men. It has been recognized that the mission is to ensure the social cohesion, development and prosperity of the State. This is possible only under the condition that his authority is established and maintained. If the State has no recognized authority, it would not be and could not fulfil its mission; it neither could nor rise above other forms of power (Armitage, 2007, pp 23-67).

Concept and Function

State sovereignty is inalienable legal quality of an independent state, symbolizing its political and legal autonomy. With the highest responsibility and value as the primary subject of international law, necessary for the exclusive rule of the government and alleged another State in or out by a voluntary change in the status of an independent state as whole social body, due to legal equality of Independent States and the basis of modern International law (Preston, 1974, pp 12-45).

The Power: The Sovereign Rights and Liberty of Subjects

Sovereignty is inalienable issued the contract so that, once granted, cannot change the form of government nor repudiate the authority. The sovereign, moreover, cannot be punished for his subjects, and that there is no contractual relationship between the subjects and the sovereign. The sovereign is "out" of the contract.

Absolute power and set determines what should be ...
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