Summary Ch 0-3

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Summary Ch 0-3

Summary Ch 0-3

The Slow Awakening

In the introduction, the author states the problems that the earth is facing or can face in the future. One of the predicted catastrophes within decades is the shortage of resources. Another issue that has been prevailing for years is the climatic change. Climatic change is the result of larger amounts of CO2 emissions. CO2 is a creation of fossil fuels, we create CO2 every time we drive a car, cook a meal or turn on a light. Since CO2 lasts around a century, the level of CO2 in which we breathe is rapidly increasing. The Kyoto protocol is one of the ways to ensure nations limit the Co2 emissions; the author describes the withered and rotten tree fern trunks in Mt. Albert Edwards' forest, which is an example of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are caused by industrialized economies. Industrialized economies produce a large quantity of CO2. This will pose a serious threat to the safety of environment and climate. If no consideration is taken lace, it is possible that the rapidly deteriorating climatic changes may scarce the precious resources that human beings enjoy today.

GAIA (One)

The author describes when he was young, his aunt used to say that you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.” If you took the same approach to other things objects then you would never be certain to what they were talking about. Since the word atmosphere is dull, the phase “the Great Aerial Ocean” would best describe the atmosphere. James lovelock emphasized that the great organs of Gian's is the temperature regulation and the interconnection. Some biologists were unwilling to believe Lovelocks concept of Gaia because they could not picture species cooperating globally to achieve such an outcome. Andy Ridgwell argued that before the evolution of tiny, shell-forming plankton that was a crucial step in stabilizing Gaia's thermostat the Earth's temperature dropped for any reason. There are other evolutionary events that are likely to have influenced the carbon cycle but we cannot be sure if they refined Gaia's thermostatic control.

The Great Aerial Ocean (Two)

A series of events bring the climate change. First, greenhouse gases, which are gases that trap, hear near the Earth's surface increase and the extra heat leads to global warming. Global warming places pressure on the Earth's climate system and can then lead to climate change. There are four distinct layers ...
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