Surviving The Tempest

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Surviving the Tempest


'Surviving The Tempest' is written by Alan De Gooyer. The study scrutinizes the production of the play “The Tempest”. The particularly assessed theme in the article is the impact on the wrecking of the ship because of the storm. The article also shed light over the shipwrecked and the experiences of the leading actor. The story allows the interaction of aspects of comedy as a genre of theater entanglements and misunderstandings, where supernatural forces are put into practice, it is justified that a ship passes by the island and Prospero requiring Ariel to develop a storm to force his shipwreck and crew to reach the island. More entertaining is the boat is the King, brother of Prospero, his followers and personnel guard, and prepares the environment to start the adventure.

The initial storm or tempest invoked by Prospero, which wrecks the ship, finds analogy in Antonio's long-past usurpation of Prospero's dukedom and his Prospero setting and Miranda adrift at sea in a storm in the hope they will perish. Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, and Ferdinand, along with the drunken Stephano and Trinculo cast upon the island, pitfalls, and enchantments make it a place where everyone will go through a learning process and most come to greater self-knowledge. The loveliest descriptions of the island's beauty and enchantment come from Caliban, the half-human, who knew its offerings far better than anyone else before his enslavement by Prospero (De Gooyer, pp. 148).

Discussion and Analysis

Alan De Gooyer elaborates a discourse of human realities, interpreted in the deepest thoughts of his characters full of hidden forces. The symbolization faces the poetic representation of the Earth, i.e. making Greek Titans use as demiurgic elements of earthly beings. Historically, Ariel translates as the engine of the world. It generates changes, obeying the wishes of mortals. He sees humans as beings that should have the option to choose their path. Riel is an enigma, the birth of this character is entirely mythical, and only known by this name in the Book of Isaiah, in the Bible. The readings for viewing a city center letters, armies are considered a stronghold as Ariel figure becomes a fortress of wisdom, where the tools are immense and multiple to justify the deeds of men, directing them by routes that are most benign (Shakespeare, pp. 121).

The article also discusses the human feeling, and the idealization of thought. Utopias and Ariel are the inseparable companion ...