The Attack On Pearl Harbor

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The Attack on Pearl Harbor

The attack damaged or destroyed twelve warships and 188 aircraft, 2,403 soldiers and left 68 Americans dead. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto planned the attack as the beginning of the Pacific Campaign of World War II, which was led by Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi, who lost 64 soldiers. However, the three U.S. aircraft carriers in the Pacific Fleet were not in the port and therefore were not damaged.

The U.S. public saw the attack as an act of betrayal and joined strongly against the Japanese Empire. The attack strongly dragged the United States and its industrial and service economy to the Second World War, which led to the defeat of the Axis in the world. The first U.S. attack on Japanese soil, consisted of a bombing of Tokyo by B-25 aircraft embarked on the aircraft carrier Hornet on April 18, 1942, from operation known as Doolittle Raid. This attack, reported in numerous war genre films, marked a turning point in the course of the war (Wohlstetter).

In 1941, Pearl Harbor was the largest U.S. military base in the Pacific. The Japanese, who the sphere of interest of the United States encountered in the logic of its previous conquests in the Far East and Southeast Asia, hoping that when Pearl Harbor put out of operation and destroy as many ships at anchor here will have a chance to win the war, forcing the U.S. to peace talks under the Japanese imagination.

The plan to attack Pearl Harbor, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto developed, Commander in Chief of the Combined Fleet, although he was not a supporter of his, because the war with the United States originally wanted. The plan was bold and risky and leaning on previous careful study area. Since 1939, for example, worked at Pearl Harbor spy group, which gave the Japanese consulate in Honolulu information on the location and movement of American warships (Coles, et al.). Yamamoto also based on the knowledge of American customs, and therefore chose to attack Sunday morning, when the Americans were to worship or sleeping off after Saturday night squandered.

As the strike force was selected six aircraft carriers (Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, Shokaku and Zuikaku), three heavy cruisers, ten destroyers and three submarines. It was also planned to attack five midget submarines. The crews were well trained to perform the operation in any weather. Date of attack was set for 7 December 1941 Hawaiian time. Main task force sailed from the base of the Kuril Islands on the 26th November 3rd December commander received carrier Cuic Vice Admiral Nagumo report that orders for the attack were confirmed. From this moment, the operation could be canceled only if the Americans discovered the Japanese striking force to 6 December (Seago). That did not happen, so the 7th December early in the morning found the Japanese fleet about 450 miles north of Pearl Harbor.

Scheme of the first raids and second waves of aircraft At 6:37 Goepner noticed lieutenant aboard the destroyer Ward on the surface near the towing vessel Antares ...
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