The Bio Psycho Social Spiritual Implications Of Early Childhood Trauma a Comprehensive Review

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The Bio Psycho Social Spiritual Implications of Early Childhood Trauma

A Comprehensive Review



Initially I would like to articulate gratitude for my dissertation proposal supervisor, classmates, and my friends whose constant and immense support has been a foundation of continuous inspiration and guidance. I would also like to thank my parents whose guidance and love was with me in whatever I have pursued so far. Furthermore, this dissertation reflects my opinion and takes on the issue and is it does not symbolize the University opinion.

Signature: _______________________________



Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for degree of Masters at ___________________ University

Title: The Bio Psycho Social Spiritual Implications of Early Childhood Trauma: A Comprehensive Review (Social Sciences - Psychology)

By: ___________________


APPROVED BY: ___________________ ___________________

Faculty Member Signature

___________________ ___________________

Faculty Member Signature

___________________ ___________________

Department Chairperson Signature



I, (), would like to declare that all contents included in this study stand for my individual work without any aid, and this proposal has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level, previously. It is also represents my very own views and not essentially those that are associated with other university.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


The child maltreatment and abuse is considered to be a significant and common burden on the system of health care as it is suspected to form sudden long and short term sequelae. Child neglect and abuse is a problem with many social, intra-psychic, spiritual, psychosocial, biological and interpersonal aspects. The PTSD prevalence is high among the individuals with severe mental illness, but limited knowledge is available about the use of interventions and implications for reducing the PTSD burden in the population. Recently, limited data indicates the effective and safe interventions for treating the individuals. This comprehensive review will present the scientific published work to report numerous studies linked with the approaches of psychological treatment for individuals with severe mental Illness and co morbid PTSD. This was a review published from 2000-2012 in English language retrieved from numerous data bases such as American Psychological Association, PsychINFO, and PubMed - a U.S. National Library of Medicine for abstract generation. Five studies met the inclusion criteria. This study described treatment programs including the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, exposure-based cognitive-behavioral therapy, and psycho-education. The effectiveness of these programs was also examined along with the explanation of the public health and clinical implications. The data which supports the use of the implications and interventions are limited and it requires further researches and trials of efficacy. The protocols of treatments need to be included for management of stress education for such a population. The management of stress results in the sense of empowerment and maladaptive coping strategies for the adult survivors as they progress down their healing path. The understanding of the long term consequences of the neglect and abuse in children is important for designing the programs of treatment along with motivating programs of prevention.





Problem Statement1

Background of the Study4

Need and Purpose of Study6

Significance of the Study7

Aims and Objectives8

Research Questions8

Organization of the Study9
