The Carolingian, Macedonian, And Islamic Renaissance

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The Carolingian, Macedonian, and Islamic Renaissance

Carolingian Renaissance

The Carolingian Renaissance is the name given to the revival of classical Latin culture in the Carolingian Empire in the late centuries VIII and .IX. It was a period of intellectual and cultural renaissance, with the number of activities occurred during the reigns of leadership Carolingian and Louis the Pious. During this period, there was an increase in studies of literature, arts, architecture, law and liturgy. The period also saw the development of Medieval Latin and Carolingian minuscule, providing a common language and a writing style that influenced the communication of most Europe. The use of the term renaissance to describe this period has been disputed because most of the changes caused in this period were almost entirely limited to the scope of the clergy, and because the period lacked the wide range of social movements of the later Renaissance Italian. More than a rebirth of new cultural movements, this period was characterized by achieving earlier culture recreate the Roman Empire. Due to a strong alliance of State and the Church to carry out reforms, the Carolingian Renaissance (as opposed to Italian) was a humanist or anthropocentric not but focused more on Catholic theological aspect (Trompf, 89).

In the Merovingian period, there was a decline of ancient culture and a general decline of the church organization, liturgy, the written word come and architecture. The school system had since the end of the 5th Century largely came to a halt. It was reported by priests, not the necessary Latin dominated by a proper Lord's Prayer to pray. The literature of the ancient world and even most of the Christian literature of Late Antiquity was largely forgotten. Not a single quote can be classic in the period from the end of the 6th until the middle of the 8th Century in continental Europe prove. The same applies to copies of pagan authors of antiquity.

Macedonian Renaissance

The period of the reign of the Macedonian dynasty of the Byzantine Empire (eight hundred and sixty-seven - 1056) is referred to as the Renaissance Macedonian by historians. The period coincides with the Ottonian Renaissance in the West. During this period, scholars have significantly turned to the classical heritage to assimilate his themes in the Christian training, in the Eastern Church. The resurgence of the ideals, concepts and art forms of classical antiquity during accredits the term "Renaissance”, although ambiguous because the term systematically ...