The Effectiveness Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is Dealing With Drug Abuse

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The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is Dealing With Drug Abuse


Cognitive behavioral therapy approaches are known for being effective in curbing problems associated with anxiety, depression and mental disorders of such sort; however, the effectiveness of CBT in treating drug abuse and alcohol related problems is well known, but it is important to understand to true implication of its effectiveness in treating these two problems. CBT is primarily based of the ideology that feelings or behavior of any person might be influenced by their thoughts alone, and are not influenced by external factors which might include situations or events taking place in the surrounding. Various researches pertaining to this issue have been analyzed and it has been analyzed that CBT approaches play a vital role in engaging the patients in the drug abuse treatment, it acts as an incentive inducement for the patients to stay aloof from consuming drugs or any such substance, it enables them to modify their behavior and attitude towards drug abuse and not only for a temporary time period, but has rather long term effects as compared to other therapy procedures. CBT has played a vital role in helping patients in handling stressful situations. A number of various cognitive behavior therapy procedures and their suitable environments have been discussed in the paper. However, CBT does not yield positive results in all the cases, as it has been known to work on some and not others. Similar is the case with CBT in dealing with issues pertaining to alcoholism and drug abuse issues.

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is Dealing With Drug Abuse


Drug use and drugs related problem are nothing new, they have been present in our society for a long time. Drug abuse refers to usage of drugs which are neither prescribed by the professionals, nor are taken under the supervision of medical supervisor. Though, this problem hasn't changed over the time, but over the time new forms of drugs and unique ways of consuming these drugs have appeared in the recent times. According to a study conducted in 2008 concluded that almost eight per cent of the twelve year old population of America consumed drug in the previous year and almost half of the population of USA claimed that they are consuming alcohol.

However, while considering eradicating this evil it is imperative that the actual aspect of drugs and drug usage is understood. For this purpose, it is important to understand the problems or issues which lead them to taking drugs or for that particular method any motivation which may result in this. Moreover, it is also important to understand the role that drugs play in the life of the consumer. This is why, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) seeks to explore the drug problem so that a relationship can be drawn and their daily functioning and a healthier way of life can be adopted by them.

One of the reasons why the effectiveness of CBT in dealing with drug abuse and other alcohol related issues need ...
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