The Personality Of The Holy Spirit

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The Personality of the Holy Spirit


Thesis Statement1

Recognize the Holy Spirit as a Person2

Recognize and Understand Truth and Right Choices3

The Holy Spirit Inspire your Thoughts4

Inspiration of the Holy Spirit5

Spiritual Communication6

Elohim Works in Us through the Spirit7

What Are the Needs of the Holy Spirit8

Impact of the Holy Spirit on Personality Growth and Development9

The Holy Spirit as a Divine Person10

The Holy Spirit Speaks, Teaches, and Guides11



The Personality of the Holy Spirit


Every Christian believes that there is only one Elohim who is almighty, sovereign and everything has been created by him. Both the New and Old Testament insists that Elohim is the only person who should be worshipped since this is the cardinal truth. Despite the fact that Elohim is only one, the Scriptures present a view of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The New Testaments presents a clear difference between the three but also claims that they are part of the same being. This causes people to ask questions about how the three can be considered one although they are clear differences. The Holy Spirit is the subject for consideration and his position can be judged by the fact that He is the third person spoken of in the trinity (White, 1906).

The Holy Spirit is a Person who lives in us and guides us throughout our lives. He is someone we can pray to and ask him to help us. He is also divine and deserves the same respect as the Father and the Son. He is not inferior to the Father or the Son because the three of them make up one being. It is through the Holy Spirit that Elohim works therefore, the Holy Spirit deserves all the respect and prayers. Without the Holy Spirit, the Church would face a lot of difficulties existing therefore; the importance of the Holy Spirit cannot be ignored.

Thesis Statement

The Holy Spirit is a being that guides people to follow the words of Elohim so that people may live in harmony. There are various ways by which people witness the Holy Spirit. It may be through faith, by signs or by feelings.

Recognize the Holy Spirit as a Person

A person is known as a being that has self-conscious and is aware of his own existence as well as that of others. The presence of a self-identity is essential as well as the ability to think. Act, and make decisions. The Holy Spirit has all these qualities due to which He can be considered a person. The Holy Spirit can be considered the executive of the Father and can also be considered as the co-creator of the Universe because He and Elohim are the same being. He is also known as the author of the Scriptures since everything in the Scriptures has been written with His guidance. He is also the distributor of eternal life because just like Elohim, even the Holy spirits has an eternal existence (Hindson, 2008).

The first sign of the existence of the Holy Spirit is given in the book of Genesis where ...
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