This Paper Compares The Poems By Eminent Poets Including William Blake, W.H. Auden And Sharon Olds. These Poets Have Influenced The Social Order Of The Society. The Themes Of These Poems Highlight The Social Ills Of The Ties.

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This paper compares the poems by eminent poets including William Blake, W.H. Auden and Sharon Olds. These poets have influenced the social order of the society. The themes of these poems highlight the social ills of the ties.

The Chimney Sweeper in Songs of Innocence is introduced in the opening stanza as a child laborer, sold by his father into servitude after the child's mother died when the child was still an infant. In the second stanza, the child identifies another young sweeper, Tom Dacre, who cried when his head was shaven (his curls are compared to the wool of a lamb's back), but the boy speaker sees a bright side: he calms Tom by telling him that at least his hair won't be spoiled by soot from the chimneys. The third verse reveals a quieted Tom sleeping and tells of his dream: at first, a thousand sweepers are enclosed in coffins, but an angel enters in the next verse and opens the coffins with her magic key. The boys, set free, run laughing in a green plain and reach a river, where they wash and then shine in the sun.

The penultimate verse has the boys naked and white, with all their old bags left behind, ascending into the clouds where an angel tells Tom that if he is a good boy, God will care for him. In the final stanza, Tom and the other sleeping sweepers awake early in the morning, dress, and trudge off to work with their bags and brushes. The final line is pure childlike innocence, or terribly ironic, expressing the hope that if all do their duty, they need not fear harma conclusion open to varying interpretations.

As is already apparent, Olds' focus in these new poems is on themes which continue to preoccupy herfamilial relationships, both those in which the speaker is daughter or granddaughter, and those in which she is wife and mother. In spite of many celebratory and humorous poems (especially in the sections of the book devoted to her chosen familyher husband and children), the dominant impression of the collection's first half is somber-hued, like that of a gallery of Old Master family portraits darkening with age. In what must have been poems difficult to write, Olds gives us, in passages seasoned with anger and leavened with compassion, the cruel, hard-drinking grandfather; the submissive grandmother; the elder sister who shockingly tormented ...
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