Three Branches Of U.S.A Government

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Three Branches of U.S.A Government

Three Branches of U.S.A Government


U.S government is the federal government of the constitutional republic of more than fifty states which comprise the United States along with one capitol district and many other territories. The three branches that made up the federal government are: legislative, executive and judicial branches. The powers of these branches are conferred by the Constitution of the state, the President and also the federal courts. The functions and powers of these branches are further defined by Congress' acts which include the creation of executive department and courts lower than the Supreme Court.


There are three branches of U.S Government and every branch has different functions that are performed by different entities through which they check and balance the government's actions and operations.

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch consists of Congress, which is divided into two: the Senate and House of Representatives and departmental assemblies and council's municipals. Members of Congress are elected by popular vote for periods four years, and its essential functions are to make laws, to maintain political control within the nation and amend the Constitution when necessary, but both the Senate and the House of Representatives have different functions and responsibilities.


The Senate is a national constituency, that is, his choice is made ??at national assembly that a person can be elected as a Senator has to meet certain requirements. The Senate is composed of two senators from every state.

Functions of Senate

There are several function provided to the senate by the Constitution which enables it to check and balance other powerful elements of the society. These functions it plays are:

Accept the resignation of both President and Vice president.

Approve or disapprove the promotions in military decided by the government (senior military ranks).

May allow short-term license to the President for the alienated position.

Bars or allows the transfer of foreign troops through national territory.

Wars on other nations are affirmed by it.

Select the judges of the Constitutional Court.

Can impeach the government officers for bribery, treasury or other crimes.

President only appoints certain officials with the consent and advice of the senate.

It elects the vice president when no electoral gains higher votes.

House of Representatives

Representatives are elected to the House within the framework of a territorial district. As in the Senate for a person to reach the House of Representatives must meet certain requirements, including being an active citizen and be over twenty-five ...
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