Total War, The Bombing Of Hiroshima

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Total War, the Bombing of Hiroshima

Total War, the Bombing of Hiroshima


During the World War II in 1945, the United States destructs the nuclear weapons and attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on 9th August. United States prepared a costly invasion of Japan, following a bombing campaign. However, in the initial months of bombing, the drastic effect was seen and it killed 90,000-166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000-80,000 people in Nagasaki. Apart from the deaths, there was a huge negative impact and disorders which evolved in the citizens by the time (Anderson, 2011). The use of the bomb and other explosion was because United States wanted Japan to surrender forcefully, and for this they used their military powers and air raids. On 15th August, six days after the bombing attack, Japan considered all existing and the potential destructions and surrendered itself to United States. The official document “Instrument of Surrender” was signed on 2nd September, which officially ended the World War (Chen, 2008).


Roles in the Preparation of Nuclear Bombing

Nuclear Scientists

The scientists who worked in the making of the bomb were against its use because they know how destructive it will be. In May 1945, seven scientists submitted a report of Interim Committee which communicated that if United States uses bomb and becomes the first one to release this destruction over the mankind, it would lose the public support throughout the world (Anderson, 2011). Furthermore, they added that if this happened they will not be able to take part in the future control of weapons. Hence, the scientists were against the bomb explosion.


The atomic bomb; which was created by the Manhattan Project, was first exploded for the pilot test at the secret base at Alamogordo.


Wendover was an Air Force Base which was used as a training base for the bomber crew. The training of Boeing B-17 Flying fortress and B-24 redeemer was conducted which resulted in 306th Bomb group flying B-17s (Chen, 2008).

Manhattan Project

The Manhattan project was initially developed to prompt the American and European scientist who fear that Nazi Germany is also planning a colossal destruction bomb plan. Manhattan project conducted over 130,000 employees, and it cost $2 billion USD. It framed itself as the biggest and the most efficient research and development centre. With the collaboration of USAAF, Manhattan project had established which cities of the Japan should be targeted and recommended Hiroshima, Kyoto, Kokura and Niigata. Moreover, a special unit known as Alberta was formed under the control of Manhattan Project; which assists in preparing and delivering the bomb (Anderson, 2011).

American Leader's concerns

The battles of Iwo Jima and Pacific Islands gave US leader a clear picture of the causalities which can happen in the invasion of the predominant land. During these battles, loss of human life outnumbered the overall disaster. The 36 day war Iwo Jima resulted in the death of 6,800 Americans, 26,000 causalities and 19,217 wounded. However, the US leaders have witnessed the huge loss ...