Uncanny & Horror Genres

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The Production of Horror films and their Consideration towards Genres



Background of the Study2

Focus of the Research3

Research Aim and Objectives3

Aim of the Study3

Objectives of the Study4

Questions for Research4

Significance of the Study4

Methodological Overview5

Outline of the Study6




The films and their consideration towards the various different genres have been attracting the attention of the filmmakers and the students of the industry alike. There have been a number of links formed with the production of the films with the day-to-day lives of the people. Because films and their ideas arise from the very existence and daily activities of the people, ideas for the film making have been arising from the routine things and daily lives of the people. Horror genres and films related to them can also be ascertained for having impressions from the family encounters of the people. The filmmakers bear the responsibility of catering a large base of variedly classified and divided audience, having contrasting preferences, choices and selections (Bawarshi & Reiff, 2010, p. 76). Hence, the need of making and producing films under various kinds and heads has been accepted and worked upon. Formally categorising the types and kinds of films has resulted in the creation of various genres of films that provide the best possible ways of classifying the films according to the types and kinds.

The word genre in the context of the film refers to the meaning, context or frame of reference provided to the audiences for perceiving the film. With reference to the genres of the films, Hennig-Thurau et al. (2001, p. 45) assert that the genres provide people with the description of the theme of the film, as is the case with the horror genres. It presents an idea of the frame of reference regarding the theme of the movie to the audiences; supplying information for watching and perceiving the movie according to the context with which it is created. Horror genres and their consideration is the topic of investigation for this research with the uncanny idea and scheme in films as the main focus. This dissertation deals with the uncanny factor or idea in the horror genre of the films. Freud's concepts and theories about he uncanny are the main feature in the discussion of this research. Freud (1919) has laid out an extensive work of his, for explaining the uncanny in the lives of the people; which is then one of the main focuses of the film makers and producers. The horror genre of the films takes up most of the uncanny ideas and examples put forth by Freud understood by studying the aspects and examples of uncanny given by Freud; which is the driving aim of this research (Redfern, 2012, p.67).

Background of the Study

Assertion of the Freud's concept is inherently and significantly related to the terror in the situations. The assertion of uncanny by Freud is concerned with the undoubted attribution of the uncanny with the situations and instances which are regarded as terribly ...
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