Unhappy Military Wives

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Unhappy Military Wives

Unhappy Military Wives


In armed conflict, women may be deprived of liberty, whether for reasons directly related to the conflict or not, for example, for offenses under common law committed before or during the conflict. The problems stopping women are rarely publicly or articles on women and war treaties. Images of detainees who often show the media is consumed men behind bars or barbed wire. However, the ICRC visits and has registered thousands of women - girls- inclusive detained in connection with armed conflicts and internal tensions. An ICRC doctor eloquently summed up the idea that the public perception of women in detention : "Rarely speaks of” detainees "not correspond to the usual concept of prisoner, are not “real prisoners “. This article aims to highlight the main difficulties faced by women prisoners, as well as international standards and principles that give them protection.


If, in the event of international armed conflict, women participate actively in hostilities as members of the armed forces are captured, they are protected by the Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Third Convention). This Agreement contains the principle that prisoners of war must be treated humanely in all circumstances. However, in addition to these rules that apply to all prisoners of war, the Third Convention assigns special protection to women. In particular, Article 14, paragraph 2, he states that "women shall be treated with all the regard due to their sex.”This rule is followed by a number of provisions that expressly refer to the conditions of detention of women in the prison camps of war, such as the obligation to provide separate bedrooms for women and men; facilities separate health and separate premises under the direct supervision of women if punishment is imposed.

In war the whole society gets hurt and everyone scarifies something, but women, The Mother, The wife, the daughter, the sister suffers a lot she completely loss her family his protectors are fighting in front of enemies and their children who are still pretty young they always need their mother for their food and they completely dependent over their mothers, so here are some other observational things which can be lead a women into an Unhappy wife are:

Children accompanying their detained mothers

National laws and prison regulations specify if a child can stay with one of their detained parents ( usually the mother ) and the maximum age for this to be possible. The Geneva Conventions do not set any age limit. The situation of children accompanying their detained mothers, because they have been arrested while them or live with them in detention, is a complex and sensitive issue.

Pregnant women

International humanitarian law assigns specific protection for pregnant women. The detaining authorities must provide adequate care, including medical care and supplementary food rations for pregnant detainees. It should take medical measures necessary for the mother to give birth in an appropriate medical setting, preferably outside the prison, where they receive medical care both mother and ...