United States And Mexican Relations

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United States and Mexican relations

United States and Mexican relations

After 300 years of Spanish rule, Mexico began its struggle for political independence in 1810. The country was embroiled in internal wars and foreign invasions that had repercussions in all spheres of Mexicans life. Basically, Mexico and the United States fought war over land. The interest of U.S. is in the expansion and, Texas is simply wanted their fine agricultural production, especially cotton, which was the main commodity (Arbelaez, 2007).

According to Mexican's, these lands were not of great value, but it belonged to Mexico. The lands were theirs and had a potential value in the future. At that time the land was not worth it or has any economic value, but Mexicans were well aware that Texas was a great place for agriculture. Reports coming into the center suggested that Texas and California were potentially very rich provinces. Mexico recognized its demand and tried to protect its northern border, for no other reason than just to prevent the United States not to reach Mexico (Estevadeordal, 2004).

According to the novel 'The Old Gringo' written by Carlos Fuentes, Spain was under Roman rule and he explains Christian's interest of paganism, localism, and theology that leads into a simplistic study of the Reconquest. According to Fuentes, the Reconquest creates the Christians unity, first to be good and kind, then bad. In its first phase, it was guided by humanist champions like Ferdinand III, who tried to protect the culture of his defeated enemies; and his son, Alfonso the Wise, who sought to precede his father's vision of a multicultural Spain (Fuentes, 1985).

But in fact, the holy battles of the Reconquest were continued by fragile treaties between Christians and Moors, Christians and Christians, Moors and Moors. El Cid, the legendary slayer of infidels, was a fighter of fortune who also fought for the Moors against the Christians, and for the Moors against other Moors. Reconquered Spain, too, was part of every step, though in more delicate and profound ways, which Fuentes does not communicate. Perhaps he forgets that under the control of Alfonso the Wise, Jews and Christians could not inhabit the same house; Jews could not hold the position of control over Christians; and the "disrespect" of a Jew bedding a Christian woman could cost him his life. Alfonso also took away from the Jews one of their vital trades: the decontamination of spirits (Fuentes, 1985).

On the one hand, the end of the Reconquest led to a transoceanic adventure driven by curiosity, insatiability, and faith. On the other, it led to the removal of the Jews. In between heroic investigation and weak hermeticism grew the obsession or "cleanliness of blood." Spaniards in large number was the issue for Jews, Moors, and Christians starts to prove that the content of their character was pure because pure was the content of their veins (Fuentes, 1985).

This fantasy was to be perfected by Spanish Americans, even at the height of uprising against the mother ...
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