Us Politics

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US politics

[Date of Submission]

United States is a nation with a lot of strength but along with a lot of political issues as well. These issues are at a rise in the news since the start or the middle of the year and have been currently in the news as well. Partison Gridlock is one of then key issues that are being faced as of the political nature of the governments in power and of the governments that are not in power as well, which means the republicans and the democrats.

The political nature of the leadership in these two opposition parties have risen to such an extent that they are not realizing as to how they are standing up against each other while not caring about the country, this can clearly be seen in their actions which are of not heling out each other just because they are present in the opposing parties. The versus nature of the leaders of these parties have risen to an extent that they are denying to help each other by sharing with each other their respective experiences of being in power. As of this the new government that is in power, i.e. the government of Barack Obama which is making the same mistakes again that have been made by the previous government as well as of the lack of the experience of being in power, which is actually owned by the other government in power but who is not sharing it with the government in power right now as of their inner political rivalry to be in power or in other words for holding the white house.

The political rivalry or otherwise known as the Partisan Gridlock is not applying a favor to the country as it is keeping the two opposing political parties to share their experiences from each other of holding the office, as a result of which the other party when arrives in power of holding the white house, is mostly inexperienced or is not able to avoid the problems that have been previously made by the government in power before it. This ultimately is a loss towards the country, i.e. The United States of America, which is suffering by not having any advantageous decisions being taken in the favor of it as of the existence of this rivalry between these two nations.

In order to deal with this it is needed that there is another party besides the democrats and the republicans who can instead of being a part of this political rivalry or instead of taking decisions just to avoid the competition from getting into power, can instead take steps that are more directed towards the betterment of the country and can therefore help the country to develop in the right direction, instead of thinking for its own personal benefits and for the benefits of its leader in power.

This particular trend of supporting only the leader from the same party by the members of either party and to not to support the ...
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