Violent Behavior In Institution

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Violent behavior in Institution

[name of the Institute]

Violent behavior in Institutions

Recently, a number of hazards have become common in the sector of human services professionals creating more risks of being victims of violent behavior as compare to the past. Therefore, the issue has become so severe that the American Psychological Association has ultimately formed a task force to report on education and training in order to deal with the behavioral emergencies (American Psychological Association, 2000) (Flannery & Everly, 2000). The paper presents the paper work on addressing violent behavior in Institutions. In this regard, the paper first presents the precipitating factors, institutional culpability, staff culpability, legal liability and nine stages of intervention presented by Piercy.

The precipitating factors

Among the precipitating factors that are responsible for the impulsive violent behavior include;

Substance Abuse

Mental illness




Required reporting

Institutional culpability

negligible security system

Easy accessibility to clients

Easy prey for people looking for money or drugs

Isolated counseling centers and offices

Denial or refusing

Non compliance

Staff culpability and legal liability

The more and unlimited caring and supportive attitude of the staff put them in danger of facing threats or violent attempts from the customers

Customers may act violently while they feel that they do not have control over their treatment

Staff members should have specified limits for interaction in a fair, firm, positive and sympathetic way.

Those staff members who are burned out are more susceptible to attacks as compare to the rest.

Experience of workplace reduces the tendency of such behaviors

Healthcare providers are more likely to be victims of such incidences while becoming legally liable for their actions

Legally, the liability extends to the institutional heads

The wrong diagnosis or treatment can let the client into violent behavior

Nine Stages of intervention

In addition, there are levels of intervention to reduce the risk factors involved in the impulsive violent behaviors within the jurisdiction ...